Dushanbe, Tajikistan
Astrahan', Astrakhan, Russian Federation
Astrahan', Astrakhan, Russian Federation
Astrahan', Russian Federation
Migration is a complex process in which people cross borders for various reasons, changing their place of residence to temporary or permanent. The essence of migration is revealed through various migration movements and their functions. Migration is a movement of the population caused by various phenomena of different nature and consequences. The migration process is a migration of the population, which is accompanied by a change of residence. Educational migration is the process of moving people in search of education and new learning opportunities. This phenomenon is due to various reasons, such as the desire to receive a high-quality education, the study of new fields of knowledge, cultural exchange and development of professional skills. The relationship between educational migration and socio-economic development in developed countries is complex and multifaceted. While this opens up opportunities for knowledge transfer and the training of a skilled workforce, it can also lead to brain drain and economic costs. Therefore, it is necessary to develop strategies and policies aimed at maximizing the benefits of educational migration while mitigating its negative impact on the socio-economic development of the region. Educational migration plays an important role in the modern world, contributing to personal growth, skills development and increased access to education, which ultimately contributes to the progress and prosperity of society. However, interregional educational migration has both positive and negative consequences. On the one hand, it promotes intercultural understanding and cooperation; on the other hand, it can exacerbate inequalities in access to education and contribute to brain drain from donor regions. Therefore, it is extremely important to find a balance and formulate policies that support the equitable and sustainable development of education worldwide. The article examines the concept, essence and forms of educational migration, as well as analyzes the features and consequences of interregional educational migration.
educational migration, mobility, labor force, labor mobility, migration, labor resources, social mobility, education.
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