Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
The modern global economy is characterized by an increasing complexity of network connections between its actors under the influence of various exogenous factors. One of them is the steady growth in the number of recorded cases of government interference in international market relations, which leads to a reduction in the regulatory role of multilateral institutions and the fragmentation of the global economy. This study aims to identify the list of countries that have emerged as new centers for regulating foreign economic relations under these circumstances. To create the initial data set, Global Trade Alert materials were used from 2017 to 2024. These materials contained chronologically ordered information about foreign economic interventions by national governments around the world during that time period. Based on this information, four samples were created, each showing the number of discriminatory and liberalizing measures introduced or endured by each country. By analyzing their’s distribution, visualization, and chronological comparison with factors that caused an increase in geo-economic influence of states over the last 15 years, the study identified samples of countries that are the main initiators and targets of discriminatory and liberalizing measures of foreign economic regulation. Based on them, a final list of 53 national governments, whose actions had the most significant impact on the current state of international economic relations, has been formed. The obtained results can be used to establish priorities for international cooperation in an emerging multipolar world, assess the risks of introducing new unilateral external restrictions, and study the impact of network effects on the development of the global economy.
foreign economic interventions, international economic relations, government interference, world economy, fragmentation, multipolarity
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