Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper considers the technology of creating 3D models of cities, photogrammetric and other ways of their construction. The author shows projects created on the basis of this technology - 3D models of Yaroslavl, Moscow and St. Petersburg. The paper also describes the essence and results of the research performed on the basis of the constructed three-dimensional urban planning models. The paper presents historical recreation projects of cities for different time periods: Yaroslavl at the beginning of the XX century and Moscow at the XIX-beginning of the XX century. The author presents a list of monuments lost in reality, but recreated in a virtual three-dimensional environment and inscribed in the 3D model of the city. The paper presents a project involving the modelling of unrealised projects of avant-garde architects, as well as projects of the 1930s-1970s on the basis of a Moscow 3D model. The author concludes about the growing popularity of such digital models and the penetration of augmented and virtual reality technologies into our daily life.

3D modeling, 3D city, architectural history, alternative history, photogrammetry, avant garde, virtual and augmented reality
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