What is political economy? Its attributes and function.
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The formation of the system of economic Sciences takes place in the measure of the development of General economic science (political economy) and its theorization. This process reached its peak in Marx’s Capital, and then stalled in view of the dominance of post-science as the basis of ideocracy. Un-derstanding of this fact has led to a wide spread of ideas about the need for the Renaissance of political economy as an introduction to the system of economic Sciences. Many versions of it have been published recently. The condition of the fruitfulness of theoretical political economy is a special study of its fundamental attributes, principles, structure, etc. This is the content of this article, which explains the at-tributes and functions of the author’s version.

Political economy, theory, methodology, thinking, philosophy, cognitive science, theorization of science, post-science, ideology.
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