Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Yaroslavl', Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
The article presents the results of the analysis of data on international personal money transfers - remittances; new trends in their development are revealed. Two paradoxes of the externalities of remittances are formulated and explained: the paradox of economic growth and the paradox of inequality and poverty. Among the macroeconomic long-term effects of remittances, such a negative consequence as stimulating the conspicuous consumption of migrant families and the social tension associated with the latter consumption model is revealed. Using the method of pair correlation modeling, the hypothesis that the expansion of migration processes contributes to the development of remittances was tested and confirmed. The relationship between the statistical gap between official data on the flows of received and paid personal remittances in the world as a whole and in individual countries with differences in the degree of severity of banking control was revealed. for the transferred amounts.
remittances; international migration flows; conspicuous consumption; poverty; economic inequality
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