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Abstract (English):
Mineral fillers are widely used to improve the water-resisting property and durability of asphalt pavements. Mainly fillers are obtained from carbonate-bearing rocks (dolomite mineral flours). The increasing of road construction leads to the need for increasing of road construction materials, including the mineral flours. Sapropel could help to eliminate this shortage. In the Yaroslavl region, more than 250 million cubic metres of sapropel have accumulated in Lake Nero. It is damaging the lake. To restore the lake's ecosystem, cleaning with sapropel extraction and using for various industries and agriculture are proposed. The road construction can use the high-ash sapropel. It can be used as a mineral flour in production of road concrete mixtures. This paper concerns the possibility of Lake Nero sapropel application for production of road concrete mixtures.

road concrete mixture, mineral flour, sapropel, features of road concrete
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