Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Rostov-on-Don, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
UDK 004.6 Данные
The paper argues that the problem of an increased efficiency of a construction production company is important nowadays by simulating the organizational and technological reliability of construction. An overview of Russian and international experience in solving this problem is presented. The current state of theoretical elaboration of the topic and its practical implementation are outlined in the paper. The main directions of further scientific research are also defined. The authors base their approach on the simulation of the organizational and technological reliability of construction production as a complex system, which should start with simulation of its subsystems such as construction and installation works, since the reliability of the system depends on the reliability of its components. This paper systematically reflects the modeling methods of construction and installation works in order to improve the organizational and technological reliability of construction production. The purpose of the article is the integrated presentation of methods for modeling the organizational and technological reliability of construction, which are used at the current stage of development of science of construction operations organization and the construction science as a whole. The article is particularly useful to the readers interested in the use of economic-mathematical models and methods in modern construction operations system, namely, to use models that account for different target criteria for the constructions, including multi-directional and fuzzy
construction, simulation, organizational and technological reliability, con-struction operations, construction and installation works
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