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Abstract (English):
The paper reflects the assessment of the effect the heterogeneity of the ground base has on the stress-strain state of the reinforced concrete slab foundation and the structure of the building. It takes into account the development of deformations of ground base in time. Different filtration properties of subfoundation show the heterogeneity of the slab foundations. There is a lens of loam soil in series of saturated sands under the foot portion of the base slab. The paper shows the comparison of calculation results for the building structure and the base slab within the discrete time with the results obtained by the calculation of the steady-state deformations. The calculations contain the conditional soil deformation modulus. It is assumed that, at the initial time of application of the load, the conditional deformation modulus of the ground base Et tends to infinity, but at the final moment of deformation stabilization, it tends to the actual size E instead. The conditional deformation module is calculated using the approximate dependence obtained from the basic equation of the theory of soil filtration consolidation. SCAD software package serves for building modeling and numerical calculation

ground base, soil filtration consolidation, stress-strain state, SCAD software package
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