Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Kafedra «Tehnologiya stroitel'nogo proizvodstva»., Professor)
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
UDK 72.035 Архитектура после эпохи Возрождения. Рецидивы классики,архитектуры средневековья, Возрождения (главным образом в XIX в.). Классицизм и романтизм. Историзм. Эклектизм
The paper illustrates how walking routes in small towns of the Volga Region are formed. The town in question is Yuryevets, Ivanovo Region. The study analyzed the techniques for realizing the full potential of the historical city center. Architectural heritage objects were also classified. The paper outlines the role of the main factors (landscape, transport, recreational resources, socio-cultural and visual characteristics) influencing the organization of walking routes. The paper presents the study of interaction of old and new, their co-existence in the urban environment structure. Finally, the study identified opportunities to use urban spaces to organize walking routes, improving the quality of urban life.
architectural monuments, walking routes, urban historical environment, city structure, historic center
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