Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Thermodynamic processes affecting the mode of operation of the evaporative-condensing unit of the air heat pump system (VTNS) are considered. For efficient operation of heat cooling units, it is necessary to take into account the internal and external conditions of the workflow. Phase transformations occur not only in the volume of boiling refrigerant during evaporation and condensation, but also on the external heat transfer surfaces of heat exchangers. These processes lead to the inevitable occurrence and increase in time of frost, needle-like ice crystals with low values of the thermal conductivity coefficient, which leads to a decrease in the value of the heat transfer coefficient from the air stream to the boiling or condensing refrigerant and, accordingly, the efficiency and durability of the air heat pump system.
heat exchange, condensation, heat transfer, evaporation-condensation unit, cooling capacity, frost formation
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