Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Analysis of the literature shows that the issues of environmental change as a result of numerous economic factors have received a lot of attention. In this literature review, four economic factors influencing the environment are highlighted out of a variety of economic factors: the dynamics of integration processes; the pace of economic growth; the dynamics of financial development; and the quality of life of the population. The purpose of the study is to assess the impact of a number of economic factors on the environment based on the analysis of literature sources. Hypothesis of the research: integration processes lead to the intensification of financial flows between countries, which contributes to an increase in the growth rate of economies, and this has an impact on the environment through changes in CO2 emissions and the quality of life of the population. In the literature review, 40 sources were analyzed. It is found that regional integration predominantly contributes to pollution reduction through innovation and cooperation; economic growth increases pollution in the initial stages of development, but may contribute to the reduction of environmental damage in the long run according to the environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis; financial development has a multidirectional impact on the environment; improving the quality of life of the population leads to an increase in consumerism, which increases the burden on the environment. The conducted research can serve as a starting point for formulating own research hypotheses related to the assessment of the impact of economic factors affecting the state of the environment.
ecology; environmental; economic growth; integration; financial development; quality of life
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