graduate student from 01.01.2023 until now
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
The financial authorities of many countries involved in the process of globalizing the world economy are observing the positive consequences of including their country in a single financial network, forgetting about the need to monitor potential threats. The increasing volume of cross-border transactions creates the illusion of improving the national economy, since along with capital imported from abroad, the country gets the opportunity to boost its economic development. The international movement of capital (IMC), being an integral part of globalization, creates the misconception that there are inexhaustible resources for the development and further accumulation of national wealth, but foreign investors are not always interested in the development of the economy of their host country. False expectations from capital coming from abroad create excessively high risks for the national economy, which is confirmed by numerous examples of the implementation of these risks in many countries that have entrusted their economic well-being to the process of globalization. The purpose of this article is to substantiate the existence of risk from uncontrolled cross-border transactions. The practical significance of the article is expressed in the assessment of the effectiveness of the control mechanisms used in different countries for MDK in crisis situations. This article examines examples of the negative impact of the IMC on the economies of Argentina (2011-2016), India (1991-1995) and Malaysia (1997-1998) based on statistics from the IMF and the World Bank, as well as the experience of these countries in overcoming financial problems that arose due to insufficiently strict capital control policies. The analysis made it possible to assess the need and effectiveness of using strict administrative control mechanisms for IMC in a crisis. However, this article does not provide a universal methodology for determining the most effective control mechanisms, which may be the subject of study in future studies.
globalization, IMC, administrative mechanisms, Asian financial crisis, international capital movement
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