from 01.01.1999 until now
Syktyvkar, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
The article discusses the current problems of the global food market. The change in the population is shown and the increase in food demand is justified. Its comparison with the forecast of production growth in individual industries is given. The analysis of the dynamics and structure of exports of agricultural products of the Russian Federation is made. The largest food importing countries are indicated. The results of scientific research on the development of a pre-rating assessment of export-oriented industries and agricultural products of the Russian Federation are presented. A methodology for developing a pre-rating assessment methodology is proposed for consideration by readers: selection of evaluation criteria, bringing indicators into a comparable form, calculation of each indicator and mathematical justification of their impact on the final effective evaluation indicator. The scope of the methodology is indicated. Examples of its use over a number of years are given. A number of measures have been proposed to strengthen the competitiveness of the positions of food exporters from Russia in the international market
The global food market, the structure and dynamics of exports of agricultural products to importing countries, methodology and methodology for calculating the pre-rating assessment of export-oriented industries of the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation.
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