Simferopol, Simferopol, Russian Federation
Simferopol, Simferopol, Russian Federation
Digital entrepreneurship is becoming an increasingly relevant and important area for economic development around the world. Currently, many countries are actively developing the field of digital entrepreneurship, taking various measures and programs to support digital startups and companies. In the era of the digital economy, new opportunities for entrepreneurship development also appear in the Russian Federation. However, for the effective development of the digital entrepreneurship sphere in the Russian Federation, it is necessary to study the experience of formation and support of digital entrepreneurship in the world space, in order to introduce successful foreign practices. The purpose of the article is a comprehensive analysis of the world experience of the specifics of formation, development and mechanisms for supporting digital entrepreneurship using the example of a selected number of countries. The objectives of the study are: to study foreign experience in the development of digital entrepreneurship; to conduct a detailed analysis of existing mechanisms for supporting digital entrepreneurship using the example of the following countries: Singapore, Finland and Brazil. The scientific novelty of the study lies in identifying the main features of the development and measures of state support for digital entrepreneurship used by foreign countries in order to maintain the competitiveness of digital business in the Russian Federation. The authors concluded that the key element in the development of an effective digital business is active interaction between the government of the country and representatives of entrepreneurship. The state should not be the main actor, but a useful ally that acts in the interests of digital entrepreneurship. For digital entrepreneurship to function effectively, the interests of business and the state should be synchronized and guarantees of cooperation for each of the parties should be developed.
digital economy, digital entrepreneurship, government support, attracting investment, digital infrastructure, global experience.
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