Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Currently, the study of the problem of forming a new model of the socio-economic system, determining its main features and directions of development is relevant in methodological, theoretical and practical terms. In line with the ongoing scientific discussion, the theoretical model of an industrial society of the second generation seems to be the most developed. The purpose of our research is to analyze the role of scientific and technical work in the formation and development of this model of society. This is due to our consideration of scientific and technical labor as the dominant form of labor, as a system-forming element in the emerging new socio-economic system. The research is based on the use of statistical analysis, concrete historical, systemic and interdisciplinary approaches. The article shows that the influence of scientific and technical work on the formation and development of a new industrial society of the second generation occurs in the following areas: 1) scientific and technical workers turn into the dominant professional group; 2) these workers crucially ensure the receipt of the most important socio-economic results: 3) the bearers of scientific and technical labor play a decisive role in ensuring economic security; 4) the development of scientific and technical labor is associated with the transformation of workers into owners based on the use of intellectual property relations; 5) the transformation of scientific and technical labor into the dominant form of labor leads to significant changes in labor motivation; 6) scientific and technical workers play a leading role in justifying a set of strategic measures designed to ensure the achievement of national goals development. The results of the conducted research can be used in the future in theoretical and methodological developments of the problems of formation and development of a new model of society, in solving practical problems in the scientific and technical field.
scientific and technical work, new industrialization, innovative activity, new industrial society, concrete historical approach
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