Blockchain and artificial intelligence in intellectual property management
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Abstract (English):
This article discusses the use of blockchain technology and artificial intelligence in the intellectual property management industry. Intellectual property is the result of human activity and an important product for society. Indeed, this product needs copyright protection. Blockchain is an information technology for data transmission and encryption. It is based on a chain of blocks recording the information about all transactions in the system. Artificial intelligence is the property of artificial intelligent systems to perform creative functions. Those traditionally considered the human prerogative. The use of these technologies will contribute to the development of a more convenient intellectual property management system: the use of blockchain and artificial intelligence in the field of intellectual property management is promising, as it greatly facilitates the digital processes; the use of blockchain helps to improve the protection of patent rights and facilitates the monetisation of intellectual property; artificial intelligence and machine learning make routine processes more effective.

blockchain; artificial intelligence; intellectual property; machine learning methods; decentralisation; distributed data; information technology; digitalisation
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