Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni M. V. Lomonosova
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
The importance of production and economic activity increasing efficiency is basic condition for achieving the country technological sovereignty and the international competitiveness of domestic production. Therefore, the conditions of tightening market competition in the post-industrial economy determine the relevance of the presented research. Moreover, the collective West makes serious efforts to restrain the intensity of research and development processes in the Russian Federation. They introduce antiRussian sanctions, including those aimed at limiting the access of domestic enterprises to the latest world scientific developments and technologies and, accordingly, at restricting the sales market for domestic products. Subsequently, the increasing the intensity, effectiveness, and efficiency of domestic enterprises development by enhancement their production and economic activities. The purpose of the research is to identify the issues of improving domestic enterprises operating efficiency as a component of the economic security and country international competitiveness in terms of their effective solutions. Identifying a set of problems allows ones to improve the efficiency of production and economic activity of domestic enterprises. Therefore, the most realistic way to improve their competitiveness, based on increasing labour productivity using the principles of scientific organization of labour, is to increase the profits by reducing the duration of the production and sales cycles. The practical significance of the obtained results concerns with their using by federal and regional authorities for development as so as implement their mechanisms for improving the efficiency of production and economic activity as a basic condition for ensuring international competitiveness of domestic production.
increasing efficiency; production and economic activity; basic condition; ensuring international competitiveness; domestic production
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