Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Sankt-Peterburg, Russian Federation
The relevance of this topic is that money laundering and terrorist financing is a problem of global scale in the world system. In any state, the emergence of money laundering and terrorist financing cases leads to a negative impact on the economy, as well as on the stable state of politics in the country. In this case, this illegal activity should be stopped by the influence of the state. At present, the world and national economies have become very vulnerable to their use in money laundering and terrorist financing. Therefore, the countries of the world should join hands and take measures to destroy money laundering syndicates. The purpose of this study is to compare the concepts of money laundering and terrorist financing. The authors have set the following tasks: to define the concepts of «money laundering» and «terrorist financing»; to study the main tasks of the concepts under consideration; to determine the types and stages of «money laundering» and «terrorist financing»; to identify the impact of these concepts on the state as a whole. In this paper such research methods were used as: statistical method, methods of analysis, classification, study and analysis of literature. In the course of the research the authors managed to find out that money laundering has the following stages: placement, layering, integration or extraction. In turn, terrorist financing consists of such stages as: collection, storage, movement and utilization of funds. The authors present statistical data on money laundering and terrorist financing for the years 2021-2025. The scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists acted as the information base for writing this article.
money laundering, terrorist financing, types of money laundering, international cooperation, FATF, FATF-style regional bodies, artificial intelligence
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18. APG: Asia / Pacific Group On Money Laundering // URL:
19. Solve The Modern Finance Puzzle // URL:
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27. Legaljobs: Find Best Law Jobs in the US in 2023 // URL:
28. MapChart: Create your own Custom Map // URL:
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