Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Yaroslavl', Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Kostroma, Kostroma, Russian Federation
The article develops the topic of topical problems of the study of the economic behavior of the able-bodied population. Attention is focused on the need for an interdisciplinary approach to the study of the process of formation of economic behavior, in connection with the contradictions that arise, in a transitive economy, between theoretical concepts and the results of empirical studies of economic behavior, economic consciousness and real manifestations of economic behavior under the influence of the economic environment. Among all the sciences involved in the study of economic behavior, economic theory with its rational «economic man» remains fundamental. Economic behavior, as a rational choice of possible alternatives in order to minimize costs and maximize benefits, is used by the population as a mechanism of adaptation to the changing external environment. The hypothesis is put forward that the conditions of the socio-economic environment have a greater impact on economic behavior than economic benefits. We are talking about subordinating the personal interests of the able-bodied population to the economic conditions prevailing in the local labor market, which leads to a restriction of free choice due to imperfect competition. The presented results of the empirical study confirm the hypothesis put forward. The principle of methodological individualism is used as the main research approach, and the data from the survey of the able-bodied population of Yaroslavl became the source of information. The purpose of the study is to describe the process of forming the economic behavior of the able-bodied population of the city. Yaroslavl in the local labor market under the influence of the conditions of the economic environment. In conclusion, the conclusion is substantiated that there is a contradiction between the motivation to get more benefits, which is characteristic of an «economic person» and the prevailing conditions in the local labor market.
economic behavior, rationality, «economic person», labor market, able-bodied population, motivation, economic environment, imperfect competition.
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