Simferopol, Simferopol, Russian Federation
The article is devoted to the study of the phenomenon of growth limits in the economy. The aim of the article is to study the problem of theoretical and attitudinal revision of the concept of growth limits in the direction of counteracting and preventing challenges in the economic development of socio-economic systems. The theoretical and methodological study of the limits to growth in the economy is based on the use of a set of general scientific methods, such as: methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, analogy, abstraction, as well as special methods of scientific research, including the method of content analysis of economic publications, scientometric approach to the substantive analysis of thematic foreign and domestic publications, the methods of institutional analysis of economic and social systems. On the basis of comparison of the report «Limits to Growth» of the Club of Rome, presented in 1972, and the scientific work of Russian scientists «Overcoming the Limits to Growth. Report to the Club of Rome», published in 2023, the assumption is formed that it is reasonable to consider the limits to growth as a set of challenges that need to be overcome by the countries of the world on the basis of solidarity. In this context, the application of the institutional approach as an integrative approach is justified, which allows linking the historical experience and trends of economic development of global systems with the development of institutions that would regulate and coordinate the actions of countries in levelling emerging new challenges and threats. The institutional approach to the design of forms of optimal coordination of social, economic and political development of mankind allows us to link the directions of harmonious partnership of civilisations in the digital age on the basis of the concept of solidarity.
limits of growth, economic growth, institutions, institutional approach, digital economy
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