employee from 01.01.2021 until now
Makhachkala, Russian Federation
Relevance of the chosen research topic. In the context of an anti-Russian sanctions policy, a change in the focus of the domestic economy on the military-industrial complex and, in connection with this, limited budgets at different levels, it is important to use such an instrument for regulating relations between the state and private business as a public-private partnership. In this regard, the purpose of this article is to explore public-private partnerships in Russia, and, in particular, the regions of the North Caucasus by conducting an assessment, identifying limiting barriers and identifying priority areas for the development of this mechanism. The methodology is based on the use of empirical research methods (comparison, factor analysis), as well as theoretical research (systematization, generalization, analogy, synthesis). The results of the study include the presentation of a comprehensive assessment of the mechanism of public-private partnerships in the Russian Federation and in the regions of the North Caucasus. Key problems in the implementation of public-private partnership projects in the North Caucasus Federal District have been identified: the low level of development of PPP at the municipal level in the macroregion, insufficient support of the federal center (development institutions) in the implementation of infrastructure projects, difficulties in resolving land issues between regional authorities, authorities local government and the local population. Solutions have been proposed and promising directions for the development of the institution of public-private partnership in the region have been identified: adopt a regulation on the procedure for concluding public-private partnership projects in a city district (municipal area), create a project office (center for the development of PPP projects) in the authorized executive body in charge of the state policies in the field of PPP, etc. The proposed measures can give impetus to the development of a public-private partnership mechanism in the regions of the North Caucasus Federal District.
public-private partnership, region, North Caucasus, assessment, problems, development priorities.
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