Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Digitalization of public administration became the one of the important modern factors in the formation of competitive advantages of the regions. The increasing of the area competitiveness largely depends on the quality and timeliness of public decisions. At the same time, digitalization of public administration besets a number of challenges at the regional level. They include the digital inequality due to irregular access to broadband Internet access, the high labor costs of data collection, low efficiency of data distribution. Also they include the psychological inability of some officials and citizens themselves to provide and access government services in digital form. Nevertheless, today digitalization is the most promising way to most effectively provide public services to citizens and businesses. Its implementation requires public administration authorities to understand the digital transformation trends, its stages, objectives, and legal and financial solutions. This study aims to analyze the processes of digitalization of public administration in the Yaroslavl region, identify the provision of these processes by the adopted legislative decisions and assess their implementation. Digitalization is a new stage of building an information society, contributing to the realization of the constitutional right of citizens to freely seek, receive, transmit, produce and disseminate information in any lawful way. Information resources of public authorities, local self-government bodies, organizations, and public associations are formed to achieve this goal. Digitalization is designed to provide a new level of quality and efficiency in different subject areas. The effects of digitalization (digital transformation) have a major impact on the development of the regional economy. The digital transformation of the region as a whole, and regional public administration in particular, should strengthen the economic and social components of the competitiveness of the territory. The mechanism of this process is the intensification of state-society interaction in electronic form by achieving «digital maturity» of the economy and social sphere, i.e. the use of domestic digital solutions to solve economic and social problems. It is shown that in the Yaroslavl region consistently and systematically solve the problems of digital transformation, providing competitive development of the territory.
digitalization of regional management processes, digital transformation of public administration, legal and financial support of digital transformation processes.
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