New conceptual approaches to process management of an integrated management system in the refining industry
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper considers the issues of statistical process management of an integrated management system of a refinery under the conditions of a new conceptual approach of integration of statistical and qualimetric methods. The authors pay special attention to the scientific and methodological justification of the management processes of an integrated management system in the context of sector specific features. The authors show, using as an example the construction of control charts of individual values and sliding differences in Statistica Trial 13.3 for the process "Manufacture of products", that the highest correlation is characteristic for such quality indicators as kinematic viscosity at 700C and fractional composition 50%. Therefore, the process "Manufacture of products" should be managed and brought into a statistically manageable state by changing the values of the quality indicators noted. In order to ensure the stability of the production process and to improve the overall functioning of the IMS, the parameters of the main processes should be monitored regularly. The results of this methodical approach to process management will allow the justified corrective action for the effective functioning of the integrated management system, as well as increase the competitiveness of the enterprise.

Statistical process control, integrated management system, quality control system.
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