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Abstract (English):
This paper presents the results of a study of the main characteristics of the process of throttling a liquid in a control axial valve, taking into account the dependence of the modeled coefficient of hydraulic resistance on the design and operating parameters. In particular, the calculation of the throughput and throughput characteristics of the separator of the specified valve from the standpoint of varying the degree of its opening has been performed. The most significant factors influencing the change in these indicators of the axial valve operation are revealed. For example, at the maximum degree of valve opening, an increase in the diameter of the throttling holes by 2 times leads to an increase in the nominal throughput by 1.66 times and the throughput characteristic by 1.19 times. It is shown that in the selected ranges of changes in the design parameters of the throttling process of the working medium, an increase in the valve opening degree up to 60% leads to a smooth increase in the throughput characteristic to values not exceeding 0,3. The specified non-linear dependence of the flow characteristic of the control axial valve creates the prerequisites for choosing the profiling of this indicator. The practical application of the issues discussed in this study was reflected in the development of an engineering methodology for calculating design parameters for the corresponding control valve with the implementation of the process of throttling the flows of the working medium.

process, throttling, liquid, throughput, valve, parameters, coefficient of hydraulic resistance
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