Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The study aims to create biodegradable composite materials based on non-emulsion polymer latexes with natural fillers. The article provides an analysis of the current status of the issue on the methods of obtaining biodegradable polymer materials and methods for confirming their biodegradation under the influence of biotic and abiotic factors. The results of research on the development of a method for obtaining biodegradable polymer materials based on based on 1,4-cis-polyisoprene non-emulsion polymer latexes are presented. Using the method of determining the degree of decomposition of polymers under simulated composting conditions in laboratory tests, the ability of the created polymer composite products to biodegradation under the influence of soil microbiota has been proved. Stimulation of biodegradation processes occurs due to the natural fillers of wood flour and coffee oil cake introduced at the latex stage in the form of pre-prepared suspensions. The developed technology makes it possible to obtain, using the method of coagulant sedimentation, composite polymer thin-film materials with adjustable operating time, makes it possible to reduce the load on the environment after the disposal of used products by burying them into the soil at polygons. The obtained polymer composite materials can be used to obtain dipped articles, for example, gloves for household, pharmaceutical, and chemical purposes.

biodegradable, biodegradable composite polymer material, latex composition, dipped products, natural filler, synthetic polymer
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