Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article summarizes the first effort of research in creating and operating experimental and industrial installation for garnetting of cellulose-based materials. The experimental device was created on the basis of a household grain crusher, supplemented with a replaceable pegboard rotor, provided with an adjustable inlet and equipped with a suction pneumatic transport of the unfolded product. The device performs garnetting, mechanical grading, and pneumatic transportation of cellulose materials. The article provides examples of garnetting process studies of various materials, such as wood and cotton celluloses of various commodity forms and brands, waste paper, cellulose laboratory prototypes. Recommendations are formulated on the design parameters and garnetting process methods of pulp lap from sulfite wood cellulose from various manufacturers. Recommended specific capacity is 2.5 kg/(m3∙s). The specific energy intensity of the garnetting process is 75 kJ/kg. The power reserve coefficient of the electric motor is 1.5. The circumferential speed of the rotor’s outer edge is at least 45 m/s. The moisture content of the initial pulp ranges from 5 to 10% (rel.). The size of the sieve cells is 5 mm. The specific productivity of mechanical classification of loosened pulp is 1.5 kg/(m2∙s). The bulk density of the unfolded product is from 30 to 120 kg/m3. The experimental setup can be used for carrying out various experimental studies of the cellulose garnetting processes and development of the necessary experimental samples in the laboratory. The article provides an example of creating an industrial plant with a capacity of 500 kg/h for the production of technical sodium-carboxymethyl cellulose of various brands based on these recommendations, followed by an analysis of the experimental unit operation. The industrial plant is based on a hammer mill and is equipped with a suction pneumatic transport. The industrial plant is used for the cellulose folder garnetting for the needs of industrial cellulose derivatives production.

cellulose, pulp, mechanical crusher, pneumatic transport, mechanical grading, fibrous materials, pretreatment of plant raw materials, experimental research, industrial production, garnetting
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