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Abstract (English):
The paper concerns with the theories and concepts defining the role of a person as a resource, factor, and capital in the modern innovative economy. The authors analyse the indicators of the Sustainable Development Goals, socio-economic development of the Russian Federation necessary for monitoring the achievement of national projects indicators, human development index, and its components in the regions of the Central Federal District in 2018 and 2019. Based on Rosstat data on 2005-2021 for the regions of the Central Federal District, the paper assesses the main indicators of the human capital of the Central Federal District regions: population density, life expectancy, the proportion of people aged 65 and older to the people of the active working age, mortality of the population of the active working age, total fertility rate, infant mortality rate, income and poverty levels of the population, employment rate, the composition of the employed population by age and level of education, for men and women, urban and rural population. The study found that the Central Federal District is ahead of the Russian average in a significant part of the analyzed indicators (except for the average age of the employed population). This refers to the Human Development Index, real monetary income of the population, unemployment rate and a number of other indicators. Within the Central Federal District, Moscow and the Moscow Region are the leaders in terms of the dynamics of human capital development indicator.

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