Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper concerns the process of aerobic liquid-phase oxidation of cyclohexylbenzene to hydroperoxide in the presence of different solvents. It has been found that it is preferable to carry out the reaction in an acetonitrile medium. We investigate the effect of different process parameters on the oxidation of cyclohexylbenzene in this solvent. Based on the results of the research, conditions were chosen that make it possible to achieve a hydrocarbon conversion rate of 11% in 2.5 hours with a hydroperoxide formation selectivity of about 93%. The average oxidation rate of cyclohexylbenzene increases about 1.3 times in compare with the process carried out in the absence of solvent.

cyclohexylbenzene, aerobic liquid phase oxidation, cyclohexylbenzene hydroperoxide, solvents for liquid phase oxidation processes, acetonitrile

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