Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper presents the results of studies of wastewater treatment processes from petroleum products using vermiculite before and after treatment in dielectric barrier discharge plasma. During the experiment we determined the time of reaching equilibrium in the heterophase system "sorbent - aqueous solution of petroleum products", is 30 min. The kinetic sorption curves are processed in first- and second-order linear coordinates. We found that the kinetics of petroleum product sorption by vermiculite is most adequately described by a second-order kinetics model, indicating an ion-exchange adsorption process. The article describes the processes of external and internal mass transfer of petroleum products in the presence of vermiculite obtained under different conditions. When treating the sorption kinetics in Boyd-Adamson coordinates we found that the adsorption process proceeds in an inward diffusion regime. Treatment of the sorbent, after use in the wastewater treatment process, in dielectric barrier discharge plasma leads to a slight decrease of sorption characteristics, but results in its regeneration. We studied the morphology of vermiculite obtained under different conditions. The sample is a micro-heterogeneous material with a particle size of 0.4-0.7 µm. The total pore volume obtained from the linear coordinates of the micropore volumetric filling theory is 0.21 cm3/g. All microphotographs reflect the characteristic morphology of the vermiculite mica packet. The results of the study of the sorption properties evaluated by the method of low-temperature inert gas adsorption made it possible to construct isotherms of adsorption/desorption of liquid nitrogen on the sorbent surface, the BET treatment of which showed that the specific surface area of the sorbent is 7 m2/g.

adsorption, vermiculite, petroleum products, water treatment, dielectric barrier discharge plasma
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