Socio-economic essence of globalization and its role in the formation of a new social class structure
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Abstract (English):
The globalization as a complex phenomenon has a large number of different definitions, which have a common disadvantage, consisting in the fact that they all do not reflect the essence and causes of the processes taking place, and also smooth out various particulars of the processes taking place, which, in turn, expose the essence of the processes taking place in the context of the private interests of the subjects of socio-economic relations of the mega level. The current tendency to abandon the political-economic approach to the study of processes and phenomena of objective reality testifies to the euphemization of scientific research, as well as the subordinate position of science, functioning primarily to satisfy the interests of the global governing class. Thus, the above study highlights the particulars of globalization that are not covered by existing definitions, a refined definition of globalization is proposed, which makes it possible to identify the framework of the emerging global socio-economic system of a special new socio-class structure, which will determine the trend of possible development in the conditions of the general systemic crisis of capitalism, which has reached its terminal stage.

globalization, neo-colonialism, class society, rising poverty, global decline in wealth, relative and absolute impoverishment, social class structure.
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