Simferopol', Simferopol, Russian Federation
A comprehensive study of a wide body of bibliographic data devoted to information asymmetry over the past 20 years is presented. The basic research directions prevailing in the domestic and foreign literature on the basis of graph clustering methods are systematized. It is shown that at the present time. There is a shift of scientific interests in the study of information asymmetry from the plane of institutional theories in the direction of practical work devoted to the study of the effects which information asymmetry brings to financial markets and product supply chains to the consumer. The interactions realized between seller and buyer in online markets are modelled in terms of the emergence of information asymmetry between them. Based on the theory of agent-based modelling we present a model of virtual consumer choice in online markets, which shows that reducing the level of information asymmetry is possible by increasing buyer awareness through the use of a wide range of information substitutes, which will lead to increased sales of goods at higher prices.
information asymmetry, Internet, consumer choice, uncertainty, virtual choice model, agent-based modelling.
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