from 01.01.1992 until now
Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
from 01.01.1978 until now
Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
A critical analysis of the classifications of the life cycle stages of an organization (enterprise) proposed by domestic and foreign scientists has been carried out. The correlation of "life cycle" and "life path" is considered. The logical relationship between the life cycles of an enterprise, group, employee, and product is revealed. A new classification of the life cycle stages of an industrial enterprise is proposed and justified. In this classification, the stages of progressive development of an industrial enterprise are divided into phases. A distinction is made between crisis-free development, crisis development and anti-crisis development of an industrial enterprise. The pre-crisis development of an industrial enterprise is singled out as a separate stage. A method of quantitative diagnostics of the stages and phases of the life cycle of an industrial enterprise has been developed, taking into account both the current state and prospects for the development of the enterprise. The methodology includes a number of sequential algorithms for determining the limitations and the level of development of an industrial enterprise. The restriction on the development of an enterprise is established on the basis of indicators of a shortage of funds for settlements with creditors and a shortage of funds for development. The level of development is measured through the degree of economic stability of the enterprise, which is identified using an integral diagnostic indicator. The integral diagnostic indicator includes indicators of actual economic efficiency and effectiveness, competitiveness, forecast values of production and commercial potential and the degree of its use. In the process of diagnostics, level and incremental, absolute and relative indicators are used. The choice of level or incremental diagnostic indicators is carried out on the basis of a preliminary hypothetical determination of the stage of development of the enterprise. To characterize the economic efficiency and effectiveness of the enterprise, relative indicators have been selected, which correspond to key absolute indicators. The competitiveness of an enterprise is measured by a relative indicator, as well as the degree of use of production and commercial potential. The production and commercial potential is presented in the form of an absolute indicator. The scientific novelty of the proposed author's approach lies in the multidimensional diagnosis of the level of economic development of an industrial enterprise based on a system of quantitative measurements. The conducted approbation of the life cycle diagnostics methodology at two machine-building enterprises of the Ivanovo region showed the possibility of its practical useful application.
industry studies; economic development; development methodology; economic stability; limitation of economic development; life cycle of the enterprise; level of economic development; integral diagnostic indicator.
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