Yaroslavl', Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Expound the life and creation the markable man R.M. Orjentskogo from his birthday in 1823 year and tragic death in hotel of Warsaw University. His coming in science begin from standing in Newrussiansky university and he work in him study political economy and statistics. receive the title holder of master degree. To go away in Yaroslavl, where he begins to work in Demidov Lyceum, where he defends Thesis for degree of doctor in SANK Peterburg University. In Demidov Lyceum he receives the title of professor. He also became the Heard of department of Yaroslavl Zemsky statistics. Utilization statistician information he writes many works. After revolution 1917 year he shot time work in TSY deputy of Head on methodological After that he go away in Ukraine, where made very mash for development Ukraine economy. In Ukraine he receipts the title of academician. He writes some articles together with workers of statis-ticians. Then he departure in Warsaw, where he was killed from explosive bomb, to lay in hotel of Warsaw Uni-versity
Orjentskiy, His live and creation, standing in new Russian university, holder of a master of degree, work in University away in Yaroslavl, Demidov lyceum, heard of department Zemsky statistics, work in TSY, go away in Ukraine, receipt the title of academician, made mash for development of Ukraine economy, killed of bomb lay in hotel of Warsaw University.