Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
The article aims to present and briefly disclose the rationale for new scientific possibilities for the formation of socially progressive political economy, in addition to the author's previous publications. Unlike the studies of a meta-economic nature that have already been known in recent years, proposing the designation of an intermediate scientific discipline as meta-economics, the author puts forward, in addition to the previous ones, the scientific foundations of a systemic and meta-economic, social science and interdisciplinary nature, which allow you to move from the political determination of economics to a purely scientific one and, accordingly, designate the proposed scientific discipline as meta-economy. The evolutionary-historical and systemic approaches of the author, the appeal to Aristotle's thinking about the basics of economics made it possible to show the developing primacy of higher social goals over lower ones, the need for functional-technological and other concomitant goals. Based on a historical analysis of capitalist social development, through well-known generalizations by M. Weber and other researchers, its predestination by primary commodity-monetary relations and market principles of wealth accumulation is shown. The overconsumption, damage to nature and dangerous threats to all mankind caused by this development are emphasized. Attention is drawn to a certain consistency of the organization of production and consumption on the scale of the USSR, and at the same time the public inadequacy of purely political management of public development. In connection with the emergence of new scientific opportunities through the formation of scientific integral meta-economy, the task is to move to scientifically rational management of social development. Accordingly, attention is drawn to the need to organize expert systems in all information production.
meta-economics, meta-economy, production, consumption, purpose, expediency, value, rationality, efficiency.
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