Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moskva, Russian Federation
To date, the idea of society's transition from the industrial era to the post-industrial one is being actively popularized. The main leading economic centers in the world dictate new vectors for the development of the entire world economy towards widespread digitalization, robotization and automation. In this article, the author drew a parallel between the historical development of society and its technological structure with the restructuring of socio-economic relations of a slave-owning nature. The properties and characteristics of each stage of the development of society were clearly shown in the context of the form of money and the way of organizing the use of slave labor. Based on modern geopolitical examples, the main factors and reasons for the development of a new system of socio-economic relations, the main centers for the development and dissemination of new policies around the world, such as the IMF and the World Bank, were identified. Using the example of economic and political events in Europe, the direct and indirect influence of the new trend of global globalization and subordination to the new system was shown. The author also conducted a small statistical study and identified the main weaknesses of the Russian economy, because of which the country may be subjected to a new global policy of subordination and because of which its economic sovereignty may be violated. According to the data, the country loses in terms of material production of goods, and also depends heavily on the export of petroleum products, which has a bad effect on its independence in making profits relative to other countries. Proceeding from this, the author came to the conclusion that it is necessary to develop self-sufficient domestic production of vital social and economic goods, namely, to expand material production.
the idea of postindustrialization, material production, national welfare
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