On economic development in the system-historical review
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article aims to present to the reader the main, essential, in the author's opinion, moments of the modern rethinking of the economy as such, in a systematic and reflective consideration of its historical development from the initial processes of formation of the basic components of social production, distribution through exchange processes and consumption with the formation of means of production development. The author's experience of studies performed on the basis of evolutionary-systemic and system-historical approaches is also presented. Based on the great world scientific and historical heritage, including domestic scientific research and systemic research that arose in the second half of the 20 th century, as well as the great positive experience of the socio-economic development of Russia and the Soviet Union, the need to use the general economy for wildlife in organizing, a person and society of systemic principles of organization of activities, a systematic approach to the whole society as a functionally integral living meta-organization (knowing well the initial anthroposociogenesis). The determining, systemic importance of the state as a complex of public development management is shown - it began to be the organization and development of the economy, as a socially targeted (according to the "tree of goals") multifunctional life of the entire society, the organization of external exchange processes and cooperation with friendly countries. In the final part, based on the approved state "strategy for the development of the information society," a number of issues were raised by the socially targeted organization of all information, technical and intellectual activities that determine and make up information social production - the importance of which for social development, its acceleration and protection, and international coopercomprehensive ation (from the time of Marx, who spoke of "spiritual production") is growing rapidly.

economics, political economy, meta-economy, sociology, economic sociology, production, distribution, information production.
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