Ekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
The article’s relevance is defined through the necessity, become mature, to rethink the world order functioning on “Western gauges” and to solve a complex of external and internal tasks in mutual connection of blocks of historical and chronological, cultural and educational, and semantic-worldview character. This article touches upon the problem of forming the multi-polar world and defining the Russia’s positions in it in terms of turn to the East. The article’s goal is to substantiate semantic-worldview vision of perspectives of interaction in it. Basic tasks included developing the noosphere approach considered as methodological basis, means semantic-worldview aspects, substantiating on this basis the idea of noosphere interaction and perspectives of its forming. It’s ascertained, that finding by Russia the national identity, allowing to take worthy place in forming multi-polar world, bases on noosphere approach. Necessity to appeal to it is strengthen in critical periods of civilizational development, being the only possible way to solve deep global contradictions. Based on this approach, the Russian authors developed noosphere teaching into paradigm of noosferism (A.I. Subetto), noosphere development (Y.V. Safroshkin), semio-sphere (Y.M. Lotman etc.), “digito-sphere” (O.A. Lavrenova). One else methodological opportunity is semantic-worldview approach (Arabist N.N. Vashkevich), getting especial relevance in the context of Russian-Arabic interaction and of reformatting the world centers of influence. Synthesis of the approaches considered serves as basis for forming the idea of noosphere interaction, which goal is revival of the Russian ethnos and its further development in the interests both of the country and of the forming multi-polar order.
noosphere, noospheric development, noosferism, noospheric interaction, multi-polar world, turn to the East, Russian-Arabic interaction, worldview, semantics, Russian and Arabic languages, self-determination of ethnos
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