Saint-Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
The purpose of the article is to identify the main gaps in the theory of money in the analysis of the category «digital ruble». The normative acts adopted recently resolved the local issue of launching the Central Bank's platform, preserving the uncertainty of the ownership structure of the digital ruble and its legal status. Among the options for issuing digital currency discussed by regulators, there is no theoretically sound concept of a clear leader, at least for one or another group of countries. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation avoids both historical estimates and public forecasts, such as the structure and dynamics of the money supply, the dynamics of monetary aggregates, the consumer price index, not to mention more serious things and replacing them with a description of the technology, in fact, a «Short operating Manual» of the Central Bank service. The main results of the study include the hypothesis that the digital ruble platform at the testing and launch stage is a state payment system with limited functionality, and the digital ruble itself is an electronic means of payment. The more developed the national CBDC is, the less likely the default of the country's financial system is in principle, the more stable its economy is. The impact of the digital ruble on the business of commercial banks is assessed in different directions, threats and opportunities are analyzed (SWOT analysis) its use. With the advent of the digital ruble, the question arises of revising the system of monetary aggregates and putting into scientific circulation an aggregate of the money supply, reflecting the presence of digital currencies (ruble, peso, dollar, etc.), for example, Md or DM0 (digital money).
digital ruble, theory of money, digital currency, financial system, bitcoin, CBDC, Central Bank of the Russian Federation, functions of money, monetary circulation.
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