Moskva, Russian Federation
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
The transition to a post-industrial society led to the transformation of the economic sphere of society, that resulted in a loss of the importance of material production. This trend, in turn, leads not only to a change in the conditions and content of work, but also, in principle, to a complete rethinking of the place and role of people in the modern economy. Moreover, the evolution of socio-economic relations has also led to a transformation of the understanding of the phenomenon of alienation of labor. In this case, the purpose of the study is to analyze the main directions of the evolution of the phenomenon of alienation of labor. The main methods used in the study are the analysis of statistical and analytical material and comparison. As a result of the research, the main directions of evolution and rethinking of the key forms of alienation of labor – alienation of a person from the results of labor, from his own essence, from the generic essence and man from man – as a result of changing the concept and content of the work of modern workers were identified. So, firstly, it is possible to state the emergence of new forms and, accordingly, increased alienation from the results of labor. These transformations are connected with the change of the object of transformation itself in the course of work. Secondly, there has been an increase in the risk of technological substitution of workers, provoking alienation from a person's own essence. Thirdly, there was a separation of a person from the transformation of the material world, that separates a person from the generic essence. Finally, today the alienation of a person from a person is manifested not just in increased competition between employees, but also in the desocialization of labor relations, provoking the alienation of a person from a person. The results of the research are significant for understanding the trend that takes place in the modern world, as well as the possible threats that it may lead to. Moreover, it is necessary to continue further research in this area in order to find practical ways to overcome the problems that have arisen.
alienation of labor, socio-economic relations, post-industrial economy, material production, labor market, capitalism
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