The constructive overcoming of the systemic degradation: the rejection of illusions
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Abstract (English):
Goal. Identification of modern problems of systemic degradation and determination of the potential possibility of its constructive overcoming. Tasks. Determination of the actual contradictions of the modern socio-economic system, analysis of the activities of modern international non-governmental organizations (supranational institutions) in the field of solving global problems of humanity, evaluation of scientific research of the “Club of Rome”, disclosure of the problem of alienation in a broad sense, the essential definition of the materialization of the regression process Research methods. System analysis, synthesis, generalization, interpretation of results. A brief conclusion. The modern capitalist system with all the institutions of its development and management created by it does not contribute to socio-economic development as a whole. Transnational capital has set as its goal to resolve the existing contradictions accumulated in the system, realizing its own economic interests in the formation of a new reality - a world of contrasts – ultra-modern agglomerations will be surrounded by antisocial archaic zones. Implementation tools are “fundamentally new” technologies.

socio-economic system, systemic degradation, international non-governmental organizations, the Club of Rome, the problem of alienation, degradation of socio-economic relations, capitalism.
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