Studies of economic cycles and their connection with the development of technologies, to which Russian scientists have made a significant contribution, allow us to predict for the period of the 30s of the 21st century the beginning of the dominance of the new sixth technological order. The importance of timely preparation of the Russian economy for its onset was emphasized by the President, and the Government adopted a Concept containing the main mechanisms aimed at mastering the technologies of a new technological order and ensuring the technological sovereignty of the country. The implementation of the tasks set largely depends on their implementation in the regions, which confirms the relevance of the research carried out. The main problem that the research was carried out to eliminate is the lack of information in the regions about the directions of using end–to-end technologies in the economy - one of the main mechanisms of the Concept, as well as about the need for specialists who will develop and use them. In this regard, the purpose of the study was to identify the areas of activity of the economy and universities of the region to solve the problems of the Concept of technological development. The main result of the research is information about the enterprises of the Yaroslavl region, in which end-to-end technologies can be used, as well as about universities that have the necessary conditions for training specialists of the relevant competence. The connection of end-to-end technologies with enterprises and universities through the indicator "type of economic activity" in the roadmaps of end-to-end technologies, as well as in the statutory documents of universities and enterprises, identified during the study, is used as a mechanism to assess their potential in timely preparation for the development and application of end-to-end technologies. Specialists and managers of enterprises can use the results of the study in the formation of their strategies and plans for technical development. And universities, using the information obtained during the research, can make timely changes to the work training programs and provide training of specialists with appropriate qualifications to service end-to-end technologies - the main mechanism of the Concept of Technological development, the key factors of the new sixth technological order.
the concept of technological development, technological sovereignty, end-to-end technologies, a new technological order, the economy of the region, types of economic activities, enterprises, higher educational institutions, training areas, competence of specialists.
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