Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni M. V. Lomonosova
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
The relevance of the present study is determined by the objective need to find constructive and effective models for the transformation of the national economy in the context of ongoing geopolitical and economic transformations. The purpose of the presented research is to search for a rational combination of "field" and "greenhouse" models for the formation of a strategy for the development of the national economy in the conditions of the necessary transformation. When considering the "field" and "greenhouse" models of the formation of a development strategy, in the differences of which all the basic laws of dialectics are manifested (the transition of quantitative changes into qualitative ones, unity and struggle of opposites, negation of negation), a comparison was made of the main characteristics of these models described by G. Mintzberg, on a range of issues related to: the degree of freedom in the formation of a strategy; admissible area of manifestation of the developed strategy; persons having the opportunity to develop a development strategy; the nature of the displacement by spontaneously emerging strategies of strategies destined; conditions for the development of the strategy; the point in time at which the strategies should appear; the point in time at which there is an awareness of the need to manage new strategic processes. The scientific novelty consists in determining the composition of the elements for the synthesis of a combinatorial model for the formation of a national economic development strategy, which includes elements of the “field” and “greenhouse” models that are polar in nature, which is due to the need for a parallel solution in the national economy of the problem of lagging behind the world level in the production of IV and V technological modes and problems of synchronous and advanced development in the production of products VI and VII technological modes. The practical significance of the results obtained lies in the possibility of using sound proposals to develop a combinatorial model for the formation of a national economy development strategy based on the postulates of the "field" and "greenhouse" models to solve the problem of ensuring the country's technological sovereignty.
analysis of opportunities, use of a combination, "field" and "greenhouse" models, formation of a development strategy, national economy, the need for transformation.
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