Обложка журнала
Title (English)
Language of publication
Russian, English
2782-1900 (online)
Periodicity (English)

4 raza v god

Russian science citation index:
Yes 76117
Russian higher attestation Commission:

Stat'i, oformlennye soglasno nastoyaschim trebovaniyam so soprovoditel'nymi dokumentami otpravlyat' po elektronnoy pochte zam. glavnogo redaktora Abramovu Igoryu Gennad'evichu abramovig@ystu.ru

Osnovnye trebovaniya k stat'e (rukopisi)

  1. Predstavlyaemyy material (stat'ya) dolzhen sootvetstvovat' tematike zhurnala, byt' original'nym, ne opublikovannym ranee v drugih pechatnyh izdaniyah, otredaktirovan, vychitan avtorom i proveren v sisteme antiplagiat.ru. Redakciya ostavlyaet za soboy pravo proverki prislannogo materiala na zaimstvovanie teksta iz drugih istochnikov. Original'nost' teksta dolzhna sostavlyat' ne menee 75%.

  2. Nauchnaya stat'ya dolzhna imet' ogranichennyy ob'em 6 – 15 stranic (vklyuchaya spisok literatury), formata stranicy – A4, orientaciya – knizhnaya, shrift Times New Roman, cvet – chernyy, razmer shrifta – 12; interval – 1,0, polya 2,0 sm so vseh storon, abzacnyy otstup – 1 sm. Tekst dolzhen byt' nabran v tekstovom redaktore Word v formatah .doc ili .docx, risunki vklyuchayutsya v tekst materialov. Numeraciya stranic ne prostavlyaetsya.

Risunki (ne bolee 8) i tablicy (ne bolee 4) dolzhny byt' chetkie bez ramok. Tekst v risunkah dolzhen byt' chitaemym, ne mutnym. Matematicheskie formuly nabirayutsya v redaktore formul (vstroennyy redaktor Microsoft Word, Microsoft Equation, Mathtype), himicheskie formuly – v specializirovannom redaktore (ChemOffice, ChemWind, ISIS Draw i dr.). Ne dopuskaetsya vstavka formul v vide kartinok. Obzornye stat'i prinimayutsya ob'emom 25 - 30 stranic.

Struktura stat'i

Redakciya zhurnala prinimaet stat'i na russkom i/ili angliyskom yazykah.  Stat'i, postupivshie v redakciyu zhurnala na angliyskom yazyke, publikuyutsya na angliyskom yazyke. Izdatel' za svoy schet osuschestvlyaet perevod na angliyskiy yazyk rukopisey, postupivshih v redakciyu na russkom yazyke. Stat'i publikuetsya na dvuh yazykah – na russkom i angliyskom. 

Pri napisanii nauchnoy stat'i neobhodimo priderzhivat'sya sleduyuschey struktury izlozheniya materiala:

Indeks UDK (UDC) (shrift 11) neobhodimo ukazat' v verhnem levom uglu.

Nazvanie stat'i. (shrift 14) Oformlyaetsya propisnymi bukvami bez perenosov.

Imya Otchestvo Familiya avtora(ov) (shrift 14) bez sokrascheniy, uchenaya stepen', zvanie, nazvanie uchebnogo zavedeniya ili nauchnoy organizacii, v kotorom(oy) vypolnyalas' rabota avtora(ov), telefon i adres elektronnoy pochty avtora(ov).

Annotaciya (Abstract) (shrift 10, kursiv). Opisyvaet celi i zadachi provedennogo issledovaniya, a takzhe vozmozhnosti ego prakticheskogo primeneniya na russkom i angliyskom yazykah. Tekst annotacii ne dolzhen povtoryat' zaglavie stat'i i soderzhat' ne menee 150 - 200 slov.

Klyuchevye slova (Keywords) (shrift 10, kursiv): nabor klyuchevyh slov dolzhen vklyuchat' ponyatiya i terminy, upominaemye v stat'e, i svidetel'stvuyuschie ob aktual'nosti i novizne obsuzhdaemyh issledovaniy i ih rezul'tatov (5 - 8 slov i slovosochetaniy).

Vvedenie (Introduction(shrift 12). Vo vvedenii formuliruetsya aktual'nost' issledovaniya, znachenie issleduemyh nauchnyh faktov v teorii i praktike.

Eksperimental'naya chast' (Experimental section) (shrift 12). V ney neobhodimo privesti metodiku issledovaniya, predstavit' opisanie ispol'zuemogo oborudovaniya i reaktivov, dostatochnoe dlya vosproizvedeniya poluchennyh v stat'e rezul'tatov.

Osnovnaya chast' (Main Body(shrift 12). Po ob'emu dolzhna zanimat' central'noe mesto v stat'e. V osnovnoy chasti neobhodimo privesti analiz, obobschenie i raz'yasnenie sobstvennyh dannyh ili sravnenie teoriy i dr. Esli stat'ya teoreticheskogo haraktera, privesti osnovnye polozheniya, mysli, kotorye budut v dal'neyshem podvergnuty analizu.

Vyvody i rekomendacii (Conclusions(shrift 12). V dannom razdele podvodyatsya itogi izlozhennogo nauchnogo issledovaniya. Vyvody dolzhny logicheski sootvetstvovat' postavlennym v nachale stat'i zadacham.

Spisok istochnikov (References) (shrift 10). Spisok literatury privoditsya na kirillice i latinice.

Pod spiskom literaturnyh istochnikov cherez interval sleva kursivom privodyatsya slova: 

Postupila v redakciyu 
Odobrena posle recenzirovaniya  
Prinyata k opublikovaniyu 

V adres redakcii, krome elektronnogo varianta, napravlyayut 1 ekzemplyar stat'i v raspechatannom vide s podpisyami vseh avtorov posle slov Prinyata k opublikovaniyu.

Primery bibliograficheskogo opisaniya literatury

Spisok literatury dolzhen soderzhat' 15 - 20 istochnikov. Perechen' istochnikov dolzhen byt' aktual'nym i soderzhat' ne menee 8 statey iz nauchnyh zhurnalov ne starshe 10 let, iz nih 4 – ne starshe 3 let. Dolya ssylok na stat'i avtorov rukopisi, izdannye ranee, ne dolzhna prevyshat' 25 % ot obschego kolichestva ssylok. Pri vybore istochnika rekomenduetsya uchityvat' ego otkrytost'. Zhelatel'no, chtoby k tekstam byl dostup cherez Internet. Nastoyatel'no rekomenduetsya ukazyvat' identifikator stat'i DOI i ssylku na stat'yu v internete (pri nalichii). Rekomenduetsya, chtoby ne menee 50 % istochnikov, vklyuchennyh v bibliograficheskiy spisok, sostavlyali raboty, opublikovannye na angliyskom yazyke.

Pri zaimstvovanii materiala iz drugih istochnikov ssylka na eti istochniki obyazatel'na. Ssylki v tekste oformlyayutsya kvadratnymi skobkami, naprimer [1]. Istochniki ukazyvayutsya v poryadke citirovaniya v tekste. Original'noe nazvanie istochnika nuzhno pisat' polnost'yu i vydelyat' kursivom, kak v bol'shinstve zarubezhnyh standartov.

Vse russkoyazychnye literaturnye istochniki dolzhny byt' ukazany na russkom i angliyskom yazykah. Izdaniya, kotorye ne perevodyatsya, neobhodimo ukazyvat' transliteraciey v sootvetstvii s obscheprinyatymi mezhdunarodnymi pravilami, v konce kazhdogo takogo istochnika dolzhna stoyat' pometka (in Russian). Dlya togo chtoby izbezhat' oshibok transliteracii, neobhodimo ispol'zovat' avtomaticheskie sistemy perevoda kirillicy v romanovskiy alfavit, naprimer na sayte http.:/www.translit.ru/ (variant Biblioteki Kongressa (LC)). Transliteraciya familiy avtorov dolzhna uchityvat' naibolee chasto upominaemuyu formu ih upotrebleniya v baze «Scopus».


  1. Nenashev M. Poslednee Pravitel'stvo SSSR. M.: AO "Krom", 1993. 221 s.
  2. Pugin K.G., Yushkov V.S. Ispol'zovanie vtorichnyh materialov dlya cementobetonnyh pokrytiy. Vestnik Permskogo nacional'nogo issledovatel'skogo politehnicheskogo universiteta. Ohrana okruzhayuschey sredy, transport, bezopasnost' zhiznedeyatel'nosti. № 1. S. 144–151.
  3. Chu C.Y., Durango-Cohen P.L. Empirical Comparison of Statistical Pavement Performance Models. Journal of Infrastructure 2008. Vol. 14. No 2. R. 138–149.
  4. Lobov N.I., Lyubimov D.V., Lyubimova T.P. Konvektivnaya neustoychivost' sistemy gorizontal'nyh sloev nesmeshivayuschihsya zhidkostey s deformiruemoy granicey razdela. Izv. RAN. MZhG. № 2. S. 32-39. – Esli u stat'i est' angloyazychnyy perevod, v References privodit' ego.
  5. Swaminathan V., Lepkoswka-White E., Rao B.P. Browsers or buyers in cyberspace? An investigation of electronic factors influencing electronic exchange. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. Vol. 5. No. 2. URL: www.ascusc.org/jcmc/vol5/issue2/. Provereno 15.03.2013. – Dlya stat'i iz elektronnogo zhurnala.
  6. Zagurenko A.G., Korotovskih V.A., Kolesnikov A.A., Timonov A.V., Kardymon D.V. Tehniko-ekonomicheskaya optimizaciya dizayna gidrorazryva plasta. Neftyanoe hozyaystvo. 2008. № 11. S. 54-57. – Dlya publikaciy chetyreh i bolee avtorov.
  7. Yang S.Y., Ryu I., Kim H.Y., Kim J.K., Jang S.K., Russell T.P. Nanoporous membranes with ultrahigh selectivity and flux for the filtration of virusesAdvanced Materials. V. 18. No. 6. P. 709-712. DOI: 10.1002/adma.200501500 – Dlya stat'iimeyuschey DOI.
  8. Sugatov N.N., Haziev A.A. Vybor optimal'nogo metoda ocenki kachestva rabotayuschego motornogo masla po dielektricheskim pokazatelyam. Modernizaciya  i  nauchnye  issledovaniya  v  transportnom  komplekse:  materialy  mezhdunar.  nauch.-prakt.  konf. Perm': Izd-vo Perm. nac. issled. politehn. un-ta, 2013. S. 343–354. – Primer ssylki na publikacii v materialah konferenciy.
  9. Lomtadze V.D. Inzhenernaya geologiya. Inzhenernaya geodinamika. L.: Nedra, 1977. 479 s. – Dlya monografiy, uchebnyh posobiy.
  10. Tehnicheskaya ekspluataciya avtomobiley: uchebnik dlya vuzov / E.S. Kuznecov [i dr.]; pod red. E.S. Kuznecova. 4-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: Nauka, 2001. 535 s.
  11. GOST 8.586.5-2005. Izmerenie rashoda i kolichestva zhidkostey i gazov s pomosch'yu standartnyh suzhayuschih ustroystv. Metodika vypolneniya izmereniy. M.: Standartinform, 2007. 10 s.
  12. Palkin M.V. Pat. RF № 2280590. 2006.
  13. Martynov M.M. A.S. 652487 RF. B.I. 2000. № 20. S. 12-14.
  1. Semenov V.I. Matematicheskoe modelirovanie plazmy v sisteme «Kompaktnyy tor»: dis. … d-ra fiz.-mat. nauk. M., 2003. 272 s.


Pri oformlenii References nado uchityvat', chto v zarubezhnyh standartah ne predusmatrivaetsya ispol'zovanie znaka // i – (tire) mezhdu godom, nomerom i stranicey, a takzhe, esli v russkoyazychnom bibliograficheskom opisanii perechisleny ne vse avtory (napisano «i dr.» ili pod red.), to nuzhno ukazat' vseh avtorov.

  1. Stat'i v russkoyazychnyh zhurnalah i sbornikah, materialy konferenciy s ukazaniem v konce (in Russian):

Stat'ya iz zhurnala

Familiya I.O. (familii i inicialy vseh avtorov ukazyvayutsya v nachale ssylki pryamym shriftom – transliteraciya). Nazvanie stat'i (pryamym shriftom perevod nazvaniya stat'i). Nazvanie zhurnala (kursivom – transliteraciya). God. Tom. Nomer. Diapazon stranic (god, nomer, stranicy so strochnoy bukvy, pryamym shriftom). (in Russian).

Stat'ya iz sbornika:

Familiya I.O. (familii i inicialy vseh avtorov ukazyvayutsya v nachale ssylki pryamym shriftom – transliteraciya) Nazvanie stat'i (pryamym shriftom perevod nazvaniya stat'i). Nazvanie sbornika (kursivom – transliteraciya, Sbornik statei). Mesto izdaniya (angliyskoe polnoe nazvanie mesta izdaniya). God. Diapazon stranic (mesto izdaniya, god, stranicy so strochnoy bukvy, pryamym shriftom). (in Russian).

Stat'ya iz materialov konferenciy:

Familiya I.O. (familii i inicialy vseh avtorov ukazyvayutsya v nachale ssylki pryamym shriftom – transliteraciya). Nazvanie stat'i (pryamym shriftom perevod nazvaniya stat'i). Nazvanie izdaniya (kursivom – transliteraciya). Mesto izdaniya (angliyskoe polnoe nazvanie mesta izdaniya). God. Diapazon stranic (mesto izdaniya, god, stranicy so strochnoy bukvy, pryamym shriftom). (in Russian).

Ctat'ya iz internet-resursov:

Familiya I.O. (familii i inicialy vseh avtorov ukazyvayutsya v nachale ssylki pryamym shriftom – transliteraciya) Nazvanie stat'i (pryamym shriftom perevod nazvaniya stat'i). Nazvanie zhurnala (kursivom – transliteraciya). God. Nomer. URL: http// www/mal/ru/science (in Russian).

  1. Knigi, glavy knig:

Familiya I.O. (familii i inicialy vseh avtorov ukazyvayutsya v nachale ssylki pryamym shriftom – transliteraciya). Nazvanie knigi (Perevod nazvaniya knigi, kursiv)]. Mesto izdaniya (angliyskoe polnoe nazvanie mesta izdaniya): Izdatel'stvo (transliteraciya, pryamoy shrift), god. Kol-vo stranic.

  1. Dissertacii:

Familiya I.O. (pryamym shriftom – transliteraciya). Nazvanie dissertacii (Perevod nazvaniya, kursiv). Mesto izdaniya (angliyskoe polnoe nazvanie mesta izdaniya). God. Kol-vo stranic.

  1. Patenty:

Familiya I.O. (familii i inicialy vseh avtorov ukazyvayutsya v nachale ssylki pryamym shriftom – transliteraciya). Vid patentnogo dokumentastrananomerdata opublikovaniya (pryamoy shrift, naprimer: Patent RU 2230870 C2, 2004).

  1. Standarty:

Nazvanie (Perevod nazvaniya na angliyskiy yazyk, kursiv). Mesto izdaniya (angliyskoe polnoe nazvanie mesta izdaniya): Nazvanie izdatel'stva (transliteraciya, pryamoy shrift), god. Kol-vo stranic.


  1. Nenashev M.F. Last government of the USSR. Moscow: Krom Publ., 1993. 221 p.
  2. Pugin K.G., Iushkov V.S. The use of secondary materials for cement concrete pavements. Vestnik Permskogo natsional'nogo issledovatel'skogo politekhnicheskogo universiteta. Okhrana okruzhaiushchei sredy, transport, bezopasnost' zhiznedeiatel'nosti. 2013. N 1. R. 144-151.
  3. Chu C.Y., Durango-Cohen P.L. Empirical Comparison of Statistical Pavement Performance Models. Journal of Infrastructure Systems. 2008. V. 14. N 2. P. 138–149. – dlya angloyazychnoy stat'i.
  4. Lobov N.I., Liubimov D.V., Liubimova T.P. Convective instability of a system of horizontal layers of immiscible fluids with deformable section. Izvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Mekhanika zhidkosti i gaza – Fluid Dynamics. 1996. N 2. P. 32-39. – perevodnaya versiya zhurnala est', no stat'ya v ney otsutstvuet.
  5. Swaminathan V., Lepkoswka-White E., Rao B.P. Browsers or buyers in cyberspace? An investigation of electronic factors influencing electronic exchange.Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication.1999. V. 5.  N 2. URL: www.ascusc.org/jcmc/vol5/ issue2/
  6. Zagurenko A.G., Korotovskikh V.A., Kolesnikov A.A., Timonov A.V., Kardymon D.V. Technical and economic optimization of hydrofracturing design. Neftyanoe khozyaistvo – Oil Industry. 2008. N 11. P. 54-57. (in Russian).
  7. Yang, S.Y., Ryu, I., Kim, H.Y., Kim, J.K., Jang, S.K., Russell, T.P. Nanoporous membranes with ultrahigh selectivity and flux for the filtration of virusesAdvanced Materials.2006. N 18 (6). P. 709-712. DOI: 10.1002/adma.200501500.
  8. Sugatov N.N., Khaziev A.A. Shoice of the optimal method of evaluation of quality of working motor oil according to dielectric characteristics. Materialy mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii “Modernizatsiia i nauchnye issledovaniia v transportnom komplekse”. Perm: Permskii natsional’nyi issledovatel’skii politekhnicheskii universitet, 2013. P. 343-354.
  9. Lomtadze V.D. Engineering geology. Engineering geodynamics. Leningrad: Nedra, 1977. 479 p.
  10. Kuznetsov E.S. [et al.]. Technical exploitation of automobiles. Moscow: Nauka, 2001. 535 p.
  11. GOST 8.586.5–2005. Measurement of flow rate and volume of liquids and gases by means of orifice devices. Method of measurement. Moscow: Standartinform Publ., 2007.
  12. Palkin M.V. Patent RU № 2280590, 2006.
  13. Semenov V.I. Mathematical modeling of the plasma in the compact torus. Dr. phys. and math. sci. diss. Moscow, 2003. 272 p.

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7. The opinion of the editorial board and the editorial board of the journal may not coincide with the opinion of the authors. Materials are published in the author's edition.

Articles are selected for publication in the Journal according to the below procedure.

1. An incoming manuscript is registered and subjected to primary evaluation against the following formal and qualitative criteria: consistency with the general subjects of the Journal; compliance with content and layout requirements; logical and literate writing in English. Articles failing to meet these requirements will not be accepted for review, and the editors will notify the author accordingly, usually within 10 days of receiving the manuscript by the Editorial Office.

2. An article accepted for review will be assigned to a specialist from the journal, who will communicate with the author regarding all further matters and forward the manuscript to be reviewed by experts recognized in the subject field of the article under review and having published on the topic of the article within the last three years. In disputable cases, an article may be sent to more than two experts, including external experts as well as Editorial Board members.

3. All reviews are double blind, i.e. the authors’ and reviewers’ names and not disclosed between them. Reviews usually take four to six weeks on average to complete.

4. Each review should:

· evaluate the essence of the paper and its chances of being published;

· list specific errors (if any) in methodology and in the selection of research tools;

· suggest revisions.

5. A reviewed article may be accepted for publication (5.1), returned to the author for revision (5.2), or rejected (5.3). The copies of the reviews are sent to the authors.

5.1. In case of a positive review, the editors will include the article in the portfolio for the final editorial preparation for publication (see point 6).

5.2. Revised articles should be re-submitted to the reviewers, who will evaluate whether the revisions are consistent with their comments and/or whether the author’s refusal to revise on certain comments is reasonable.

5.3. In case of a negative review, the article will be considered by the Editorial Board’s working group, who will either decide on rejecting the article or on obtaining an additional review from an independent expert. The author will be notified if his/her article is rejected.

5.4. Reviews are being kept in the editorial office for 5 years. Editors are obliged to send the copies of the reviews to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in case a relevant query comes in.

6. Pre-publishing involves checking the author’s treatment of the reviewers’ comments and literary editing and revision of the text to meet the Journal’s standards. Edits will be negotiated with the author.

7.The chief editor or deputy chief editor will make and approve the final decision on the article publication date according to the usual work procedure, when compiling and structuring issues for publication.

Berezin Dmitry  — Editor in chief
Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology
doctor of chemical sciences
academician Russian Academy of Natural Sciences ,
Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Abramov Igor  — Deputy Editor in Chief
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Kafedra "Obschaya i fizicheskaya himiya", Zaveduyuschiy kafedroy)
doctor of chemical sciences
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Gorjacheva Olga  — Executive Secretary
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Associate Professor)
candidate of chemical sciences
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Blaznov Aleksey  — Member of the editorial team
Institute for Problems of Chemical and Energetic Technologies, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPCET SB RAS) (Laboratory of Mineral Materials Science)
doctor of technical sciences
Biysk, Barkaul, Russian Federation
Bragina Natalya  — Member of the editorial team
doctor of chemical sciences
Moscow, Russian Federation
Galanin Nikolay  — Member of the editorial team
doctor of chemical sciences
Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Dvoretsky Nikolay  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (kafedra "Obschaya i fizicheskaya himiya", Professor)
doctor of chemical sciences
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Ilyin Aleksandr  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Professor)
doctor of chemical sciences
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Indeykin Evgeniy  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Professor)
candidate of chemical sciences
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Islyaykin Mikhail  — Member of the editorial team
doctor of chemical sciences
corresponding member Russian Academy of Natural Sciences ,
Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Kapranova Anna  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Kafedra "Teoreticheskaya i prikladnaya mehanika", Zaveduyuschaya kafedroy)
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Klyuev Mikhail  — Member of the editorial team
doctor of chemical sciences
Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Kolobov Alexey  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Professor)
doctor of chemical sciences
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Kotov Aleksandr  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky (Professor)
doctor of technical sciences
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Kofanov Evgeniy  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Professor)
doctor of chemical sciences
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Kruk Nikolay  — Foreign member of the editorial team
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
Minsk, Belarus
Kurganova Ekaterina Anatol'evna  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Professor)
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Kustov Andrey  — Member of the editorial team
Institute of Solution Chemistry of G.A. Krestov of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Joint Physical-Chemical Center for Solutions)
doctor of chemical sciences
Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Lebedev Anton  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Kafedra tehnologicheskih mashin i oborudovaniya, Professor)
doctor of technical sciences
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Maizlish Vladimir  — Member of the editorial team
Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology
doctor of chemical sciences
Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Nokoforova Tatyana  — Member of the editorial team
Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology (Associate Professor)
doctor of chemical sciences
Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Politaeva Natalya  — Member of the editorial team
doctor of technical sciences
Academic rank Academician International Academy of Ecology and Life Safety Sciences
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Razgovorov Pavel  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Nachal'nik upravleniya organizacii nauchno-issledovatel'skoy i intellektual'noy deyatel'nosti)
doctor of technical sciences
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Safarmamadzoda Safarmamad Muboraksho  — Foreign member of the editorial team
Tajik National University (Professor)
doctor of chemical sciences
Dushanbe, Tajikistan
Soloviev Mikhail  — Member of the editorial team
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Tarasov Alexey  — Member of the editorial team
doctor of chemical sciences
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Tarshis Mikhail  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Kafedra "Teoreticheskaya i prikladnaya mehanika", Professor)
doctor of technical sciences
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Filimonov Sergey  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Professor)
doctor of chemical sciences
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Kanakotina Maria  — Editor
Yaroslavl State Technical University
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Doronina Vera  — Editor
Yaroslavl State Technical University
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Yurasova Olga  — Editor, Proofreader
Yaroslavl State Technical University
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Polagina Olga  — Editor
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Tyukina Lyudmila  — English Translation
Yaroslavl State Technical University
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Frolov Aleksandr  — Computer layout
Yaroslavl State Technical University (kafedra "Obschaya i fizicheskaya himiya", Associate Professor)
candidate of chemical sciences
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Yaroslavl State Technical University
Yaroslavl State Technical University
The certificate of registration of the periodical
ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 80088

Scientific peer-reviewed journal "From Chemistry Towards Technology Step-By-Step" highlights the priority areas and modern achievements of fundamental and applied research in the field of chemistry and chemical technology. The journal publishes original experimental and theoretical works in the form of full articles, short communications, as well as author's reviews on topical issues of chemical technology and related sciences.

The journal is published 4 times a year as an electronic network publication (ISSN 2782-1900) with open access to its content on the Internet.

The journal is registered by the federal service for supervision of communications, information, technology, and mass media.

The publication of articles in the journal is free for authors. The editors do not charge authors for the preparation and placement of materials.

The editorial board of the journal accepts articles in Russian and English. Articles submitted to the editorial office in English are published in English. The publisher at its own expense translates into English the manuscripts received by the editorial office in Russian.

All manuscripts are accepted for publication based on the results of their peer review. The journal adopted a double-blind peer review method.

Founder and publisher of the journal is "Yaroslavl State Technical University" 150023 Yaroslavl, Moskovsky Prospect, 88

Stat'i, oformlennye soglasno nastoyaschim trebovaniyam so soprovoditel'nymi dokumentami otpravlyat' po elektronnoy pochte zam. glavnogo redaktora Abramovu Igoryu Gennad'evichu abramovig@ystu.ru

Osnovnye trebovaniya k stat'e (rukopisi)

  1. Predstavlyaemyy material (stat'ya) dolzhen sootvetstvovat' tematike zhurnala, byt' original'nym, ne opublikovannym ranee v drugih pechatnyh izdaniyah, otredaktirovan, vychitan avtorom i proveren v sisteme antiplagiat.ru. Redakciya ostavlyaet za soboy pravo proverki prislannogo materiala na zaimstvovanie teksta iz drugih istochnikov. Original'nost' teksta dolzhna sostavlyat' ne menee 75%.

  2. Nauchnaya stat'ya dolzhna imet' ogranichennyy ob'em 6 – 15 stranic (vklyuchaya spisok literatury), formata stranicy – A4, orientaciya – knizhnaya, shrift Times New Roman, cvet – chernyy, razmer shrifta – 12; interval – 1,0, polya 2,0 sm so vseh storon, abzacnyy otstup – 1 sm. Tekst dolzhen byt' nabran v tekstovom redaktore Word v formatah .doc ili .docx, risunki vklyuchayutsya v tekst materialov. Numeraciya stranic ne prostavlyaetsya.

Risunki (ne bolee 8) i tablicy (ne bolee 4) dolzhny byt' chetkie bez ramok. Tekst v risunkah dolzhen byt' chitaemym, ne mutnym. Matematicheskie formuly nabirayutsya v redaktore formul (vstroennyy redaktor Microsoft Word, Microsoft Equation, Mathtype), himicheskie formuly – v specializirovannom redaktore (ChemOffice, ChemWind, ISIS Draw i dr.). Ne dopuskaetsya vstavka formul v vide kartinok. Obzornye stat'i prinimayutsya ob'emom 25 - 30 stranic.

Struktura stat'i

Redakciya zhurnala prinimaet stat'i na russkom i/ili angliyskom yazykah.  Stat'i, postupivshie v redakciyu zhurnala na angliyskom yazyke, publikuyutsya na angliyskom yazyke. Izdatel' za svoy schet osuschestvlyaet perevod na angliyskiy yazyk rukopisey, postupivshih v redakciyu na russkom yazyke. Stat'i publikuetsya na dvuh yazykah – na russkom i angliyskom. 

Pri napisanii nauchnoy stat'i neobhodimo priderzhivat'sya sleduyuschey struktury izlozheniya materiala:

Indeks UDK (UDC) (shrift 11) neobhodimo ukazat' v verhnem levom uglu.

Nazvanie stat'i. (shrift 14) Oformlyaetsya propisnymi bukvami bez perenosov.

Imya Otchestvo Familiya avtora(ov) (shrift 14) bez sokrascheniy, uchenaya stepen', zvanie, nazvanie uchebnogo zavedeniya ili nauchnoy organizacii, v kotorom(oy) vypolnyalas' rabota avtora(ov), telefon i adres elektronnoy pochty avtora(ov).

Annotaciya (Abstract) (shrift 10, kursiv). Opisyvaet celi i zadachi provedennogo issledovaniya, a takzhe vozmozhnosti ego prakticheskogo primeneniya na russkom i angliyskom yazykah. Tekst annotacii ne dolzhen povtoryat' zaglavie stat'i i soderzhat' ne menee 150 - 200 slov.

Klyuchevye slova (Keywords) (shrift 10, kursiv): nabor klyuchevyh slov dolzhen vklyuchat' ponyatiya i terminy, upominaemye v stat'e, i svidetel'stvuyuschie ob aktual'nosti i novizne obsuzhdaemyh issledovaniy i ih rezul'tatov (5 - 8 slov i slovosochetaniy).

Vvedenie (Introduction(shrift 12). Vo vvedenii formuliruetsya aktual'nost' issledovaniya, znachenie issleduemyh nauchnyh faktov v teorii i praktike.

Eksperimental'naya chast' (Experimental section) (shrift 12). V ney neobhodimo privesti metodiku issledovaniya, predstavit' opisanie ispol'zuemogo oborudovaniya i reaktivov, dostatochnoe dlya vosproizvedeniya poluchennyh v stat'e rezul'tatov.

Osnovnaya chast' (Main Body(shrift 12). Po ob'emu dolzhna zanimat' central'noe mesto v stat'e. V osnovnoy chasti neobhodimo privesti analiz, obobschenie i raz'yasnenie sobstvennyh dannyh ili sravnenie teoriy i dr. Esli stat'ya teoreticheskogo haraktera, privesti osnovnye polozheniya, mysli, kotorye budut v dal'neyshem podvergnuty analizu.

Vyvody i rekomendacii (Conclusions(shrift 12). V dannom razdele podvodyatsya itogi izlozhennogo nauchnogo issledovaniya. Vyvody dolzhny logicheski sootvetstvovat' postavlennym v nachale stat'i zadacham.

Spisok istochnikov (References) (shrift 10). Spisok literatury privoditsya na kirillice i latinice.

Pod spiskom literaturnyh istochnikov cherez interval sleva kursivom privodyatsya slova: 

Postupila v redakciyu 
Odobrena posle recenzirovaniya  
Prinyata k opublikovaniyu 

V adres redakcii, krome elektronnogo varianta, napravlyayut 1 ekzemplyar stat'i v raspechatannom vide s podpisyami vseh avtorov posle slov Prinyata k opublikovaniyu.

Primery bibliograficheskogo opisaniya literatury

Spisok literatury dolzhen soderzhat' 15 - 20 istochnikov. Perechen' istochnikov dolzhen byt' aktual'nym i soderzhat' ne menee 8 statey iz nauchnyh zhurnalov ne starshe 10 let, iz nih 4 – ne starshe 3 let. Dolya ssylok na stat'i avtorov rukopisi, izdannye ranee, ne dolzhna prevyshat' 25 % ot obschego kolichestva ssylok. Pri vybore istochnika rekomenduetsya uchityvat' ego otkrytost'. Zhelatel'no, chtoby k tekstam byl dostup cherez Internet. Nastoyatel'no rekomenduetsya ukazyvat' identifikator stat'i DOI i ssylku na stat'yu v internete (pri nalichii). Rekomenduetsya, chtoby ne menee 50 % istochnikov, vklyuchennyh v bibliograficheskiy spisok, sostavlyali raboty, opublikovannye na angliyskom yazyke.

Pri zaimstvovanii materiala iz drugih istochnikov ssylka na eti istochniki obyazatel'na. Ssylki v tekste oformlyayutsya kvadratnymi skobkami, naprimer [1]. Istochniki ukazyvayutsya v poryadke citirovaniya v tekste. Original'noe nazvanie istochnika nuzhno pisat' polnost'yu i vydelyat' kursivom, kak v bol'shinstve zarubezhnyh standartov.

Vse russkoyazychnye literaturnye istochniki dolzhny byt' ukazany na russkom i angliyskom yazykah. Izdaniya, kotorye ne perevodyatsya, neobhodimo ukazyvat' transliteraciey v sootvetstvii s obscheprinyatymi mezhdunarodnymi pravilami, v konce kazhdogo takogo istochnika dolzhna stoyat' pometka (in Russian). Dlya togo chtoby izbezhat' oshibok transliteracii, neobhodimo ispol'zovat' avtomaticheskie sistemy perevoda kirillicy v romanovskiy alfavit, naprimer na sayte http.:/www.translit.ru/ (variant Biblioteki Kongressa (LC)). Transliteraciya familiy avtorov dolzhna uchityvat' naibolee chasto upominaemuyu formu ih upotrebleniya v baze «Scopus».


  1. Nenashev M. Poslednee Pravitel'stvo SSSR. M.: AO "Krom", 1993. 221 s.
  2. Pugin K.G., Yushkov V.S. Ispol'zovanie vtorichnyh materialov dlya cementobetonnyh pokrytiy. Vestnik Permskogo nacional'nogo issledovatel'skogo politehnicheskogo universiteta. Ohrana okruzhayuschey sredy, transport, bezopasnost' zhiznedeyatel'nosti. № 1. S. 144–151.
  3. Chu C.Y., Durango-Cohen P.L. Empirical Comparison of Statistical Pavement Performance Models. Journal of Infrastructure 2008. Vol. 14. No 2. R. 138–149.
  4. Lobov N.I., Lyubimov D.V., Lyubimova T.P. Konvektivnaya neustoychivost' sistemy gorizontal'nyh sloev nesmeshivayuschihsya zhidkostey s deformiruemoy granicey razdela. Izv. RAN. MZhG. № 2. S. 32-39. – Esli u stat'i est' angloyazychnyy perevod, v References privodit' ego.
  5. Swaminathan V., Lepkoswka-White E., Rao B.P. Browsers or buyers in cyberspace? An investigation of electronic factors influencing electronic exchange. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. Vol. 5. No. 2. URL: www.ascusc.org/jcmc/vol5/issue2/. Provereno 15.03.2013. – Dlya stat'i iz elektronnogo zhurnala.
  6. Zagurenko A.G., Korotovskih V.A., Kolesnikov A.A., Timonov A.V., Kardymon D.V. Tehniko-ekonomicheskaya optimizaciya dizayna gidrorazryva plasta. Neftyanoe hozyaystvo. 2008. № 11. S. 54-57. – Dlya publikaciy chetyreh i bolee avtorov.
  7. Yang S.Y., Ryu I., Kim H.Y., Kim J.K., Jang S.K., Russell T.P. Nanoporous membranes with ultrahigh selectivity and flux for the filtration of virusesAdvanced Materials. V. 18. No. 6. P. 709-712. DOI: 10.1002/adma.200501500 – Dlya stat'iimeyuschey DOI.
  8. Sugatov N.N., Haziev A.A. Vybor optimal'nogo metoda ocenki kachestva rabotayuschego motornogo masla po dielektricheskim pokazatelyam. Modernizaciya  i  nauchnye  issledovaniya  v  transportnom  komplekse:  materialy  mezhdunar.  nauch.-prakt.  konf. Perm': Izd-vo Perm. nac. issled. politehn. un-ta, 2013. S. 343–354. – Primer ssylki na publikacii v materialah konferenciy.
  9. Lomtadze V.D. Inzhenernaya geologiya. Inzhenernaya geodinamika. L.: Nedra, 1977. 479 s. – Dlya monografiy, uchebnyh posobiy.
  10. Tehnicheskaya ekspluataciya avtomobiley: uchebnik dlya vuzov / E.S. Kuznecov [i dr.]; pod red. E.S. Kuznecova. 4-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: Nauka, 2001. 535 s.
  11. GOST 8.586.5-2005. Izmerenie rashoda i kolichestva zhidkostey i gazov s pomosch'yu standartnyh suzhayuschih ustroystv. Metodika vypolneniya izmereniy. M.: Standartinform, 2007. 10 s.
  12. Palkin M.V. Pat. RF № 2280590. 2006.
  13. Martynov M.M. A.S. 652487 RF. B.I. 2000. № 20. S. 12-14.
  1. Semenov V.I. Matematicheskoe modelirovanie plazmy v sisteme «Kompaktnyy tor»: dis. … d-ra fiz.-mat. nauk. M., 2003. 272 s.


Pri oformlenii References nado uchityvat', chto v zarubezhnyh standartah ne predusmatrivaetsya ispol'zovanie znaka // i – (tire) mezhdu godom, nomerom i stranicey, a takzhe, esli v russkoyazychnom bibliograficheskom opisanii perechisleny ne vse avtory (napisano «i dr.» ili pod red.), to nuzhno ukazat' vseh avtorov.

  1. Stat'i v russkoyazychnyh zhurnalah i sbornikah, materialy konferenciy s ukazaniem v konce (in Russian):

Stat'ya iz zhurnala

Familiya I.O. (familii i inicialy vseh avtorov ukazyvayutsya v nachale ssylki pryamym shriftom – transliteraciya). Nazvanie stat'i (pryamym shriftom perevod nazvaniya stat'i). Nazvanie zhurnala (kursivom – transliteraciya). God. Tom. Nomer. Diapazon stranic (god, nomer, stranicy so strochnoy bukvy, pryamym shriftom). (in Russian).

Stat'ya iz sbornika:

Familiya I.O. (familii i inicialy vseh avtorov ukazyvayutsya v nachale ssylki pryamym shriftom – transliteraciya) Nazvanie stat'i (pryamym shriftom perevod nazvaniya stat'i). Nazvanie sbornika (kursivom – transliteraciya, Sbornik statei). Mesto izdaniya (angliyskoe polnoe nazvanie mesta izdaniya). God. Diapazon stranic (mesto izdaniya, god, stranicy so strochnoy bukvy, pryamym shriftom). (in Russian).

Stat'ya iz materialov konferenciy:

Familiya I.O. (familii i inicialy vseh avtorov ukazyvayutsya v nachale ssylki pryamym shriftom – transliteraciya). Nazvanie stat'i (pryamym shriftom perevod nazvaniya stat'i). Nazvanie izdaniya (kursivom – transliteraciya). Mesto izdaniya (angliyskoe polnoe nazvanie mesta izdaniya). God. Diapazon stranic (mesto izdaniya, god, stranicy so strochnoy bukvy, pryamym shriftom). (in Russian).

Ctat'ya iz internet-resursov:

Familiya I.O. (familii i inicialy vseh avtorov ukazyvayutsya v nachale ssylki pryamym shriftom – transliteraciya) Nazvanie stat'i (pryamym shriftom perevod nazvaniya stat'i). Nazvanie zhurnala (kursivom – transliteraciya). God. Nomer. URL: http// www/mal/ru/science (in Russian).

  1. Knigi, glavy knig:

Familiya I.O. (familii i inicialy vseh avtorov ukazyvayutsya v nachale ssylki pryamym shriftom – transliteraciya). Nazvanie knigi (Perevod nazvaniya knigi, kursiv)]. Mesto izdaniya (angliyskoe polnoe nazvanie mesta izdaniya): Izdatel'stvo (transliteraciya, pryamoy shrift), god. Kol-vo stranic.

  1. Dissertacii:

Familiya I.O. (pryamym shriftom – transliteraciya). Nazvanie dissertacii (Perevod nazvaniya, kursiv). Mesto izdaniya (angliyskoe polnoe nazvanie mesta izdaniya). God. Kol-vo stranic.

  1. Patenty:

Familiya I.O. (familii i inicialy vseh avtorov ukazyvayutsya v nachale ssylki pryamym shriftom – transliteraciya). Vid patentnogo dokumentastrananomerdata opublikovaniya (pryamoy shrift, naprimer: Patent RU 2230870 C2, 2004).

  1. Standarty:

Nazvanie (Perevod nazvaniya na angliyskiy yazyk, kursiv). Mesto izdaniya (angliyskoe polnoe nazvanie mesta izdaniya): Nazvanie izdatel'stva (transliteraciya, pryamoy shrift), god. Kol-vo stranic.


  1. Nenashev M.F. Last government of the USSR. Moscow: Krom Publ., 1993. 221 p.
  2. Pugin K.G., Iushkov V.S. The use of secondary materials for cement concrete pavements. Vestnik Permskogo natsional'nogo issledovatel'skogo politekhnicheskogo universiteta. Okhrana okruzhaiushchei sredy, transport, bezopasnost' zhiznedeiatel'nosti. 2013. N 1. R. 144-151.
  3. Chu C.Y., Durango-Cohen P.L. Empirical Comparison of Statistical Pavement Performance Models. Journal of Infrastructure Systems. 2008. V. 14. N 2. P. 138–149. – dlya angloyazychnoy stat'i.
  4. Lobov N.I., Liubimov D.V., Liubimova T.P. Convective instability of a system of horizontal layers of immiscible fluids with deformable section. Izvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Mekhanika zhidkosti i gaza – Fluid Dynamics. 1996. N 2. P. 32-39. – perevodnaya versiya zhurnala est', no stat'ya v ney otsutstvuet.
  5. Swaminathan V., Lepkoswka-White E., Rao B.P. Browsers or buyers in cyberspace? An investigation of electronic factors influencing electronic exchange.Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication.1999. V. 5.  N 2. URL: www.ascusc.org/jcmc/vol5/ issue2/
  6. Zagurenko A.G., Korotovskikh V.A., Kolesnikov A.A., Timonov A.V., Kardymon D.V. Technical and economic optimization of hydrofracturing design. Neftyanoe khozyaistvo – Oil Industry. 2008. N 11. P. 54-57. (in Russian).
  7. Yang, S.Y., Ryu, I., Kim, H.Y., Kim, J.K., Jang, S.K., Russell, T.P. Nanoporous membranes with ultrahigh selectivity and flux for the filtration of virusesAdvanced Materials.2006. N 18 (6). P. 709-712. DOI: 10.1002/adma.200501500.
  8. Sugatov N.N., Khaziev A.A. Shoice of the optimal method of evaluation of quality of working motor oil according to dielectric characteristics. Materialy mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii “Modernizatsiia i nauchnye issledovaniia v transportnom komplekse”. Perm: Permskii natsional’nyi issledovatel’skii politekhnicheskii universitet, 2013. P. 343-354.
  9. Lomtadze V.D. Engineering geology. Engineering geodynamics. Leningrad: Nedra, 1977. 479 p.
  10. Kuznetsov E.S. [et al.]. Technical exploitation of automobiles. Moscow: Nauka, 2001. 535 p.
  11. GOST 8.586.5–2005. Measurement of flow rate and volume of liquids and gases by means of orifice devices. Method of measurement. Moscow: Standartinform Publ., 2007.
  12. Palkin M.V. Patent RU № 2280590, 2006.
  13. Semenov V.I. Mathematical modeling of the plasma in the compact torus. Dr. phys. and math. sci. diss. Moscow, 2003. 272 p.

1. The journal's position on publication ethics is based on the Publication Ethics Committee (COPE) Guide on Principles of Scientific Publishing Ethics for Journal Editors, as well as the guidelines of the Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers Declaration on Ethical Principles for Scientific Publication.

2. Norms and provisions of the Guidelines on the principles of ethics of scientific publications for the editors of journals of the Committee on Publication Ethics, the Declaration of the Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers "Ethical Principles of Scientific Publications" are integral elements of the Regulations on Peer Review, the Rules for Authors and other documents that ensure the work of the journal "From Chemistry Towards Technology Step-By-Step".

3. The editorial board and editorial board of the journal are responsible for making decisions on publication and are subject in their decisions to the current legislation in the field of copyright infringement. When deciding on the publication of the author's material, the opinion of the reviewer and members of the editorial board is taken into account.

4. The author's manuscript is evaluated exclusively from the standpoint of its scientific content. Racial and nationality, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, citizenship or political position of the author (s) do not in any way affect the decision to publish.

5. The authors of the manuscript are persons who have made a significant contribution to the development or interpretation of the research results. All those who made a significant contribution to the creation of the manuscript should be listed as co-authors of the material. The author submitting the manuscript to the journal guarantees that all co-authors are indicated in it, they have approved the final version of the material and do not object to its publication.

6. If there is a conflict of interest, affiliated persons (reviewers, members of the editorial board) are excluded from the process of considering the manuscript. Reviewers must inform the editor-in-chief about the presence of a conflict of interest. All authors should indicate in their manuscripts any possible conflict of interest that may influence the decision to accept the manuscript for publication.

7. The opinion of the editorial board and the editorial board of the journal may not coincide with the opinion of the authors. Materials are published in the author's edition.

Articles are selected for publication in the Journal according to the below procedure.

1. An incoming manuscript is registered and subjected to primary evaluation against the following formal and qualitative criteria: consistency with the general subjects of the Journal; compliance with content and layout requirements; logical and literate writing in English. Articles failing to meet these requirements will not be accepted for review, and the editors will notify the author accordingly, usually within 10 days of receiving the manuscript by the Editorial Office.

2. An article accepted for review will be assigned to a specialist from the journal, who will communicate with the author regarding all further matters and forward the manuscript to be reviewed by experts recognized in the subject field of the article under review and having published on the topic of the article within the last three years. In disputable cases, an article may be sent to more than two experts, including external experts as well as Editorial Board members.

3. All reviews are double blind, i.e. the authors’ and reviewers’ names and not disclosed between them. Reviews usually take four to six weeks on average to complete.

4. Each review should:

· evaluate the essence of the paper and its chances of being published;

· list specific errors (if any) in methodology and in the selection of research tools;

· suggest revisions.

5. A reviewed article may be accepted for publication (5.1), returned to the author for revision (5.2), or rejected (5.3). The copies of the reviews are sent to the authors.

5.1. In case of a positive review, the editors will include the article in the portfolio for the final editorial preparation for publication (see point 6).

5.2. Revised articles should be re-submitted to the reviewers, who will evaluate whether the revisions are consistent with their comments and/or whether the author’s refusal to revise on certain comments is reasonable.

5.3. In case of a negative review, the article will be considered by the Editorial Board’s working group, who will either decide on rejecting the article or on obtaining an additional review from an independent expert. The author will be notified if his/her article is rejected.

5.4. Reviews are being kept in the editorial office for 5 years. Editors are obliged to send the copies of the reviews to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in case a relevant query comes in.

6. Pre-publishing involves checking the author’s treatment of the reviewers’ comments and literary editing and revision of the text to meet the Journal’s standards. Edits will be negotiated with the author.

7.The chief editor or deputy chief editor will make and approve the final decision on the article publication date according to the usual work procedure, when compiling and structuring issues for publication.

4 raza v god

                        Martazova Valentina
Martazova Valentina Yaroslavl State Technical University (Associate Professor)
candidate of chemical sciences

                        Machtin Vyacheslav
Machtin Vyacheslav Yaroslavl State Technical University (Associate Professor)
candidate of chemical sciences

                        Mel'cer A
Mel'cer A ZAO «NPO Regulyator»

                        Merenkova Milena
Merenkova Milena Altai State University

                        Molchanova Kristina
Molchanova Kristina Yaroslavl State Technical University

                        Moriganov Mihail
Moriganov Mihail Ivanovo Regional Hospital

                        Mokhova Lyubov
Mokhova Lyubov P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University

                        Muborakkadamov Davron
Muborakkadamov Davron Tajik National University (Assistant)
candidate of chemical sciences

                        Muhin Andrey
Muhin Andrey Yaroslavl State Technical University

                        Nametkina Anna
Nametkina Anna Yaroslavl State Technical University

                        Neklyudov S
Neklyudov S ZAO «NPO Regulyator»
candidate of technical sciences

                        Nesterov Viktor
Nesterov Viktor Biysk Technological Institute (branch) of the Altay State Technical University

                        Nesterova Tatiana
Nesterova Tatiana Samara State Technical University (Professor)
candidate of chemical sciences

                        Nikitina Elena
Nikitina Elena Yaroslavl State Technical University (Associate Professor)
candidate of technical sciences

                        Nokoforova Tatyana
Nokoforova Tatyana Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology (Associate Professor)
doctor of chemical sciences


                        Nikolaeva Ol'ga
Nikolaeva Ol'ga Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology (Associate Professor)
candidate of chemical sciences

                        Ovchinnikov Konstantin
Ovchinnikov Konstantin Yaroslavl State Technical University (Associate Professor)
candidate of chemical sciences

                        Odintsova Olga
Odintsova Olga Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology
doctor of technical sciences


                        Ozhiganov Viktor
Ozhiganov Viktor Closed Joint Stock Company "Scientific and Production Company YarLi"
candidate of chemical sciences

                        Orlova Elizaveta
Orlova Elizaveta Volzhsky Polytechnic Institute, branch of the Volgograd State Technical University

Berezin Dmitry  — Editor in chief
Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology
doctor of chemical sciences

academician Russian Academy of Natural Sciences ,
Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Abramov Igor  — Deputy Editor in Chief
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Kafedra "Obschaya i fizicheskaya himiya", Zaveduyuschiy kafedroy)
doctor of chemical sciences

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Gorjacheva Olga  — Executive Secretary
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Associate Professor)
candidate of chemical sciences

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Blaznov Aleksey  — Member of the editorial team
Institute for Problems of Chemical and Energetic Technologies, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPCET SB RAS) (Laboratory of Mineral Materials Science)
doctor of technical sciences

Biysk, Barkaul, Russian Federation
Bragina Natalya  — Member of the editorial team
doctor of chemical sciences

Moscow, Russian Federation
Galanin Nikolay  — Member of the editorial team
doctor of chemical sciences

Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Dvoretsky Nikolay  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (kafedra "Obschaya i fizicheskaya himiya", Professor)
doctor of chemical sciences

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Ilyin Aleksandr  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Professor)
doctor of chemical sciences

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Indeykin Evgeniy  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Professor)
candidate of chemical sciences

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Islyaykin Mikhail  — Member of the editorial team
doctor of chemical sciences

corresponding member Russian Academy of Natural Sciences ,
Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Kapranova Anna  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Kafedra "Teoreticheskaya i prikladnaya mehanika", Zaveduyuschaya kafedroy)
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Klyuev Mikhail  — Member of the editorial team
doctor of chemical sciences

Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Kolobov Alexey  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Professor)
doctor of chemical sciences

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Kotov Aleksandr  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky (Professor)
doctor of technical sciences

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Kofanov Evgeniy  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Professor)
doctor of chemical sciences

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Kruk Nikolay  — Foreign member of the editorial team
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences

Minsk, Belarus
Kurganova Ekaterina Anatol'evna  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Professor)

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Kustov Andrey  — Member of the editorial team
Institute of Solution Chemistry of G.A. Krestov of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Joint Physical-Chemical Center for Solutions)
doctor of chemical sciences

Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Lebedev Anton  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Kafedra tehnologicheskih mashin i oborudovaniya, Professor)
doctor of technical sciences

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Maizlish Vladimir  — Member of the editorial team
Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology
doctor of chemical sciences

Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Nokoforova Tatyana  — Member of the editorial team
Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology (Associate Professor)
doctor of chemical sciences

Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Politaeva Natalya  — Member of the editorial team
doctor of technical sciences
Academic rank Academician International Academy of Ecology and Life Safety Sciences
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Razgovorov Pavel  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Nachal'nik upravleniya organizacii nauchno-issledovatel'skoy i intellektual'noy deyatel'nosti)
doctor of technical sciences

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Safarmamadzoda Safarmamad Muboraksho  — Foreign member of the editorial team
Tajik National University (Professor)
doctor of chemical sciences

Dushanbe, Tajikistan
Soloviev Mikhail  — Member of the editorial team
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Tarasov Alexey  — Member of the editorial team
doctor of chemical sciences

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Tarshis Mikhail  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Kafedra "Teoreticheskaya i prikladnaya mehanika", Professor)
doctor of technical sciences

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Filimonov Sergey  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Professor)
doctor of chemical sciences

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Kanakotina Maria  — Editor
Yaroslavl State Technical University

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Doronina Vera  — Editor
Yaroslavl State Technical University

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Yurasova Olga  — Editor, Proofreader
Yaroslavl State Technical University

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Polagina Olga  — Editor

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Tyukina Lyudmila  — English Translation
Yaroslavl State Technical University

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Frolov Aleksandr  — Computer layout
Yaroslavl State Technical University (kafedra "Obschaya i fizicheskaya himiya", Associate Professor)
candidate of chemical sciences

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation


Code 1.4.2
Name Аналитическая химия
Code 1.4.4
Name Физическая химия
Code 1.4.7
Name Высокомолекулярные соединения
Code 2.6.13
Name Процессы и аппараты химических технологий

Berezin Dmitriy Borisovich.

V 1994 g. s otlichiem okonchil fakul'tet organicheskoy himii i tehnologii Ivanovskoy gosudarstvennoy himiko-tehnologicheskoy akademii po special'nosti «Himicheskaya tehnologiya organicheskih veschestv». V 1997 g. im dosrochno zaschischena kandidatskaya dissertaciya na temu: «Vliyanie elektronnyh, sol'vatacionnyh i stericheskih faktorov na hromofornye svoystva porfirinov i ih protonirovannyh form».

S 1997 g. Berezin D.B. rabotal v dolzhnosti assistenta, a s 1999 g. - docenta kafedry organicheskoy himii Ivanovskogo gosudarstvennogo himiko-tehnologicheskogo universiteta. S 2000 po 2008 g. – po sovmestitel'stvu nauchnyy sotrudnik Instituta himii rastvorov RAN. V iyune 2007 g. po okonchanii doktorantury zaschitil doktorskuyu dissertaciyu po special'nostyam «organicheskaya himiya» i «fizicheskaya himiya» na temu: «Makrociklicheskiy effekt i reakcionnaya sposobnost' porfirinov razlichnogo stroeniya». V 2010 g. emu prisvoeno uchenoe zvanie professora po kafedre organicheskoy himii. V 2008-2010 g.g – zam. predsedatelya soveta NIRS IGHTU. S 2010 g. – deystvitel'nyy chlen Rossiyskoy akademii estestvennyh nauk (RAEN). V 2015 g. nagrazhden gramotoy Ministerstva obrazovaniya i nauki RF. Pochetnyy rabotnik sfery obrazovaniya i nauki (2020). Chlen dvuh dissertacionnyh sovetov IGHTU.

Berezinym D.B. podgotovleny kursy lekciy po disciplinam «Organicheskaya himiya», «Biohimiya», «Himiya uglevodov», «Mikrobiologiya», «Strategiya sovremennogo organicheskogo sirteza» i dr. dlya studentov, a takzhe kursy «Himiya aromaticheskih makrogeterociklov» i «Fizicheskaya organicheskaya himiya porfirinov i rodstvennyh soedineniy» dlya aspirantov, obuchayuschihsya po profilyu podgotovki «organicheskaya himiya».

Nauchnye interesy Berezina D.B. svyazany s himiey porfirinov i ih analogov, v chastnosti, s problemami ih hromofornyh svoystv i fotodinamicheskogo deystviya na zhivye tkani, a takzhe so sravnitel'nym issledovaniem makrociklicheskogo i effekta v iskazhennyh preimuschestvenno ploskih p-sistemah. Avtor bolee 350 publikaciy, sredi kotoryh

- 9 monografiy, vklyuchaya 5 kollektivnyh,

- uchebnye posobiya s grifom UMO

«Kurs sovremennoy organicheskoy himii» («Vysshaya shkola», 1999, 2001, 2003),

«Organicheskaya himiya» («Yurayt», 2010, 2012, 2016, 2018, 2020, 2022);

«Organicheskaya himiya. Bazovyy kurs» («Lan'», 2014, 2019),

- okolo 150 statey.

Pod rukovodstvom Berezina D.B. zaschischeny 8 kandidatskih dissertaciy (2002, 2004, 2005, 2011, 2016, 2020, 2021, 2023 g.)


Scientific peer-reviewed journal "From Chemistry Towards Technology Step-By-Step" highlights the priority areas and modern achievements of fundamental and applied research in the field of chemistry and chemical technology. The journal publishes original experimental and theoretical works in the form of full articles, short communications, as well as author's reviews on topical issues of chemical technology and related sciences.

The journal is published 4 times a year as an electronic network publication (ISSN 2782-1900) with open access to its content on the Internet.

The journal is registered by the federal service for supervision of communications, information, technology, and mass media. EL № FS 77 - 80088

The publication of articles in the journal is free for authors. The editors do not charge authors for the preparation and placement of materials.

The editorial board of the journal accepts articles in Russian and English. Articles submitted to the editorial office in English are published in English. The publisher at its own expense translates into English the manuscripts received by the editorial office in Russian.

All manuscripts are accepted for publication based on the results of their peer review. 

Founder and publisher of the journal is "Yaroslavl State Technical University" 150023 Yaroslavl, Moskovsky Prospect, 88

Phone.: +7 (4852) 44-35-47

E-mail: abramovig@ystu.ru

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